flower food for foliage spray???

hey, does anybody know if you can use "super bloom" flower food 12-55-6 as a foliage spray? and if you can what strenth do you mix it? normal mixture for feeding is 2tsp per gallon. its a green sandy nutrient that is mixed with chelated iron.


Well-Known Member
Dude just did a search on bing and this thread came, I hope you didn't do that. It's that Green Light "Death in a powder" fert. poor plants
I did do it but it really didnt effect it that much. I mixed it so weak that it didnt have time to mess it up. I switched to earth juice awhile after that when I started getting deficientcy's and learned that you had to feed your plants way more then just plant food and water. It was a newbie mistake but those were my 1st crop and they turned out spectacular.