Flower Problem


Im in week 3 of flower and couple of my plants have no hairs and small dense buds. The majority of my room has good looking flowers with white hairs and are much larger than the odd looking plants. Not sure if they got too much nitrogen and its stunting there flowering cylcle or what. All the leaves and overall plant are looking very healthy and normal but the bud itself that looks like something is wrong. Cant get pics right now but wondering if anyone had this problem or knows whats exactly wrong

thank you for reading


Well-Known Member
r u checking ur ph of all ur plants? that is where u need to start! it could be any number of things wrong with them.


yes the ph is always good.. i cant see whats causing this because the plant itself looks great, im starting to think i gave it too much N in the beginning of flower. has anyone had that problem or no?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "no hairs"? Just a few are showing compared to the rest or literally no hairs?(im guessing just not very many but i just want to make sure your not actually growing out a few males, ive seen people ask similar questions and that ending up being the case). Anyway, Nitrogen stunting the flowering cycle is pretty much a myth. I use veg nutes every other feeding up till week 3-4 of flowering when the stretch phases ends(they use up a ton of nitrogen as they about triple in size) and 2 other veg feeds usually around 2 weeks apart from each other b4 harvest itself( keeping those fan leaves alive and happy is crucial to getting the best and most bud possible. ). So i very highly doubt thats whats causing you problems.


thanks for the help, and there are some hairs but they are just very small or barely showing... and the bud looks extremely dense compared to my other plants that look healthy. Plus i cloned these all off the same mother so they have to be female right? Anyways, if the overuse of nitrogen isent causing the problem i got no clue what it is.. This is my 5th crop i've done and first time ive ever seen this.. Im lost because the plant iself/leaves look very healthy and dark green just like usuall so im not sure if i should cut back my nutrients and maybe only use every other water, or increase some nute im not using enough of? Ive always watered everytime with nutes and it turned out good so i dont think thats my problem but i dont know at this point. thanks for any opinions


Well-Known Member
thats pretty odd, normally clones grow pretty similarly. they will all be female if taken from a female, thats correct. To be honest ive got no clue either at this point, are you positive you didnt do anything different this grow compared with past grows? im assuming no you have not had any changes from what youve said and i can think of no reason why it would happen now all of the sudden on only some of the plants.
(the bold text is the text i forgot at first and didnt notice till now it was missing)


yeah im lost.. i haven't changed anything from my past ones and the only signs of anything different is this. Only thing that comes to my mind is nitrogen and the guys at my hydroshop couldnt give me any advice either.. Im about to swap nutrients all together if this nitrogen test im doing doesnt help. thanks and i hope i can figure this out


Well-Known Member
r these particular plants closer in proximity to ur light? n should not be the problem as if u fed them all the same amount, all would be affected.


yeah i was thinking they might be too close to the light too at first, but i noticed some of the normal ones were directly under my 1000 watt and a couple of the weird ones were off the side more and still looking bad, its kind of random where its happening in the room.. and i thought it was really weird too because i mix all my nutrients in one large 15 gallon container so they got the same feeding schedule