Flower room pics, ice/pakistan valley/durbin poison and orange bud/venus.


Well-Known Member
here are some random pics of all the plants in my 12/12 room,
i am growing in soil, under 600hps.
i have 6 plants, and have been just putting 1 plant into 12/12 every week.
im only at week 6 of this, and have six plants so the are a diff ages and all diff strains,"indicas and stavias" some take longer to flower than others, esp the d.poison.
i have took clones from the ice and paki valley, and have some vegging so i can use as mothers.
i had 15 d.poison clones that all rooted but i got rid to a friend,cos they take too long to flower, id say 13 weeks min, even indoor under 600hps.
here are some pics
new flowering pics.15th 001.jpgp.valley

new flowering pics.15th 002.jpgpakistan valley

new flowering pics.15th 003.jpgd.poison

new flowering pics.15th 004.jpgp.valley


Active Member
Looking great man!:joint: you should check the ph level on your dpoison plant, or maybe its too close to the light??


Well-Known Member
todays pics.
i had to pull the top from 2 of the plants, cos they got too hot, not to worry, the next buds down were the same size, .they were only 3week 12/12.
flowers 004.jpg

flowers 005.jpg

flowers 006.jpg

flowers 007.jpg