Flower Straight from Clone


Hi all im thinking of flowering some AK47s straight from clone using 600watt lights, just wonder if anyone has done this here and can give me there yielld per plant ect so i can judge if its worth it


AK48's have pretty awesome yields I know that. 47's aren't that much different. How big are your clones? That will obviously determine the result.


Active Member
Hi all im thinking of flowering some AK47s straight from clone using 600watt lights, just wonder if anyone has done this here and can give me there yielld per plant ect so i can judge if its worth it
have patience
let it veg.

i never flower a clone right away since i like alot of notes.


Yeah you're a bit early yet. Personally I'd wait until at least 10 inches and that's still early IMO. I mean, you could go straight to flower but you would be hamstringing your yield. 3 inches??? leave that 600 watt on them 24/7 for a week then go 12 12. Better yet, got a metal halide?


Active Member
Ive got like a 10" may be 12" I took of a plant in bud while lolipopping,I took a lot more but Id like the big one to work,the others have just shrivelled up,im normally guaranteed 8-9/10 clones take (in veg),all the clones that had no bud on them took but most the ones with bud at top folded even with support,leafs just shriveled,would take to long to put back in to veg once budded I recon..

For what OP wants I would suggest taking big cuttings 2 week before going in to flower,in that 2 week they will get roots and strenghen up.Thats what il be doing,problem is youl have to move them in and out the room so they get there 18/6 as your room will be going 112/12 uness you hold out or have a seperat bloom room.

I would like a video of people growing clones with bud on already,does it work?


yeah got a sylvia 600watt, i also have a flower room and a veg room but im moving and wana get my next batch over and done with some I havnt got and half grown plants laying around, so was going to flower them straight away and put both rooms on 12/12. when i vegged my first batch of aks for 5 weeks they are true beasts now and only 2 weeks into flowering, prob about 4ft tall internode space is not more then an inch or so, looking forward to how much i get of each plant, hoping for 2oz but really dont have a clue what ill get.


Active Member
It depends on how much room you have for your grow, I go straight to flower with my 3 inch clones because I only have 36 inches of head space :)


Active Member
Going to flower straight from clone is easy. You make up for the lower plant yield by simply growing more plants.

The key is to make sure they have a decent root structure before flowering them. Look for signs of growth to determine if they are rooted enough. I like to veg mine for about a week. My 3-4 inch plants (blue satellite) top out at about 2 feet.


If you don't have the time, then by all means! Flower those bastards! they will be like little autoflower plants heh


Going to flower straight from clone is easy. You make up for the lower plant yield by simply growing more plants.

The key is to make sure they have a decent root structure before flowering them. Look for signs of growth to determine if they are rooted enough. I like to veg mine for about a week. My 3-4 inch plants (blue satellite) top out at about 2 feet.
Great stuff, whats ur average yield with this method


Active Member
Hard to say right now. I was having problems with a Mg deficiency in my first few runs (Still great smoke, though.). Those plants grew to about a foot and yielded ~1/2 oz each... I sorted it all out, now they get to two feet, so... Here's to hoping.