Flower worries


I am 7 weeks into flower wth super silver haze and i am losing a fair bit of my leaves. I hear that during flower you will lose alot of leave because the plant is dying and has lived its life cycle,, is this true??

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
whats your ph at, the runoff I mean? You will lose leaves, but its good to make sure everything else is in check...


Well-Known Member
I would tend to disagree, yellowing and falling leaves in week 7 of a SSH is not normal. Without pics this would only be a pure guess but, my guess is that the plant is in need of N. A healthy well fed plant will not lose its leaves in any number until late into flower if at all, usually just the smaller inner fan leaves of the plant. But without pics and more info about your grow it is only a guess but usually tends to be true with newer growers.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
id have to disagree as well mines start of 6th week flowering and no yellow at all still strong healthy flowering

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
you will get different answers for this question. Some guys keep them green all the way through. The reason fan leaves yellow and die off is lack off nutes (N). I like letting my plant yellow off. This way the nutes locked in the plant are used to produce more bud. I just think timing is the key. I would keep them green until flush time then let them yellow off and ripen your fruits.


tryd added photos but im not much of a computer person. keeps tellin me 2 add a url..
my plants is also suffering from slight powdery mildew, would this affect the leaves? i have been fightin the mildew with canadianxpress P.M.T which seems to be keepin mildew in slight control.
how do you control how to keep your leaves?? do u add more nutrients to your reservoir?