flowereing on 18 hour light???


Active Member
hey i have had my 2 plants going for about 2 and a half months on 18 hour mh lilght. they both started recently showing 2 white hairs growing from each flower.

my question is... are my plants flowering?or do the hairs simply mean their genetically ready to flower?

i was hoping of using the 2 plants as the mothers to clone from however is this possible now? if their flowereing that is?


Active Member
obviously 2 females... ive heard their are strains which auto flowerer problem is im not entirely sure which strain i have....
so their simply showing sex you think? and wont grow bud? the hairs havent really increased in size over the last 5 days


Active Member
obviously 2 females... ive heard their are strains which auto flowerer problem is im not entirely sure which strain i have....
so their simply showing sex you think? and wont grow bud? the hairs havent really increased in size over the last 5 days

the plants are just showing signs of sex from what you said sounds like females your ok there not flowering..unless you change the light cycle ....chances are the are not auto flowering there are'nt to many strains that do...unless you ordered the seeds and you now that it a auto flwer strain dont worry take some clones and consider your self luck you got two females...ofcurse you could bud one and clone the otherone well good luck