FLowering 101 Help people


Well-Known Member
Ok I am flowering my two girls, they are about 8 inches tall and not too impressive but oh well. They are HOgs breath strain, got them from a friend. ANyway, yesterday I started them on 12-12 lighting. Do I keep the fan on them when they are in the dark? Do they like it to be the same temp or cooler? I am going to wait until the end of the first week, to add my tiger bloom and in week four add some Nitrogen to prevent yellowing leaves. I was thinking of putting my ice bottles in the flower room to keep it kinda cooler than normal. Doesnt the cooler air help during flowering?


Well-Known Member
about 80 to 83 with the lights and fans running, at dark, it dipps down to about 72 and when I stick my arm in there its chilly. isnt that good? I use my cylinder grow chamber Tube o death to flower in as well.


Well-Known Member
Keep a small fan on low on all the time,
I use 1 on a timer and 1 on 24 for intake and exhaust.
During the dark the room is sealed and 1 fan going.

Is your room totally dark?
Have you been inside it while lights are out?
Stop all light leaks. very important...


Well-Known Member
Keep a small fan on low on all the time,
I use 1 on a timer and 1 on 24 for intake and exhaust.
During the dark the room is sealed and 1 fan going.

Is your room totally dark?
Have you been inside it while lights are out?
Stop all light leaks. very important...

Thanks Mid. I have the fan on at all times. I am using a grow tube I made Its not a room its two like plastic tubs on top of one another, lined with mylar and a bunch of CFLS its literally like room for two plants only,9 cfls.I think its pretty dark in there. What happens if a little light gets in. Look at my other thread CFL tube o death


Well-Known Member
HELP, I have an extra plant I took out of my grow chamber, it currently gets light around 6:30 and dark around 8 will my plant flower outside from this amount of light and dark? Help please, I got some new Snow white from Nirvana and want to put that in my two plant grow room instead of what I have in there right now god gift