Flowering 6 weeks - Strange spotting plz help!


Active Member
I have two plants that have been flowering for just over 6 weeks now. Yellow and orange spots are appearing on several leaves, spreading outward from the vein. I cant seem to find anything similar does anyone have any ideas? Thanks a lot



Active Member
is the new growth fine, but just below that are brown leaf tips curled up? if so prob a mg def, at least that is all i can think of. i would try a tsp of epsom salts per gal with your next watering, see how they look in 4-5 days. best of luck yo.


Active Member
is the new growth fine, but just below that are brown leaf tips curled up? if so prob a mg def, at least that is all i can think of. i would try a tsp of epsom salts per gal with your next watering, see how they look in 4-5 days. best of luck yo.
Hey thanks Sinister - the leaf tips are actually curled down though, and not turning brown yet. And it seems to be occurring on the older growth - although there havnt been many new leaves lately as it is nearing the end of flowering.


Well-Known Member
id say some kind of deficiency

molasses has micro nutes and doesnt burn the plant. try some of that