flowering a success so far


good morning RIU! i just wanted to give an update on my babies in their2nd week of flowering. my only concern is how do i know if i trimmed too many fans? i have attached some pics and to me, they look beautiful. the pistols are starting to cover the leaves and what not. but for some reason it just looks too naked haha. please give any advice, compliments, or constructive criticism. thanks:joint:



Well-Known Member
jdubness, hows about posting your pics right side up next time? I have chronic neck problems and cant be turning 90 degrees left and right.


lookin good my friend!! are yu using any blooming nutes during the flowering if so wha kind??

Yes, I Am using maxibloom (5-15-14) and mixed in is KoolBloom (2-45-28 ) Ripening Formula. They get about 20z of this mixture, twice weekly. Let me know if you think thats too much, or not enough.


Well-Known Member
those ladys look just fine to me dont see any burn color looks good no wilting leaves. keep up what your doing youll be fine.at the end of your flowering youll get some leave turn yellow this is fine.what kind you have their. watch your ph levels and if can your ppm levels. but grow on bud


Active Member
Look good, but i wouldn't cut any fan leaves off til they are "hanging loose like a wizards sleeve" (and brown), cause they store lots of good stuff for your buds essential to their growth later in flowering, otherwise they look nice!


Well-Known Member
i agree i dont trim hell ill let them fall off lol. they are storage for the plant


Well-Known Member
Plants look very healthy and everything is looking good but like others suggested try not trimming any fan leaves they are crucial in the later stages of flowering they help make those buds fat..


i know man. my fault. my program wasnt letting me crop and save. all fixed now. and if you cant say something relevant to the thread, then dont say it :spew:
jdubness, hows about posting your pics right side up next time? I have chronic neck problems and cant be turning 90 degrees left and right.


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. i'm at the same stage as urself and they look kinda similar apart from mine are a helluva lot more bushy coz i havent trimmed much. what u growing with? lights, soil etc.