Flowering after various veg times.


Active Member
Watching Mr. Green on YouTube, he vegged in his hydro system after two months.

But I've read on this board that some flower from seed and some flower after a vegging time, any where from a few weeks to six weeks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flowering at such a wide range of times?

I have 8 WW using a 250w MH with two 100w and two 75w clamp cfl lights. Total, 600w.

Three of the plants have been vegging for 6 weeks; the tallest is 15." The shortest, 7".

I also have three plants only an inch or two tall.

Next grow I hope to germinate and veg at the same time, but now I have very small plants and some bigger ones.

This is my first grow. What should I expect to see from each plant? I started the 12/12 flowering cycle on 12/15/08.


Well-Known Member
Watching Mr. Green on YouTube, he vegged in his hydro system after two months.

But I've read on this board that some flower from seed and some flower after a vegging time, any where from a few weeks to six weeks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flowering at such a wide range of times?

I have 8 WW using a 250w MH with two 100w and two 75w clamp cfl lights. Total, 600w.

Three of the plants have been vegging for 6 weeks; the tallest is 15." The shortest, 7".

I also have three plants only an inch or two tall.

Next grow I hope to germinate and veg at the same time, but now I have very small plants and some bigger ones.

This is my first grow. What should I expect to see from each plant? I started the 12/12 flowering cycle on 12/15/08.
on my first grow i also followed Mr. green on the length until i flowered. unfortunately my plants were too big during flowering and they grew into the light. now i flower when they are about 6 inches and when it comes to harvest the get to about 20 to 30 inches. get ready for a big growth spike if they get too tall just bend your plants.


Active Member
Thanks, moto,

Flowering at 6 inches. Interesting. What has anyone else experienced when it comes to flowering, especially with white widow?


Active Member
Please, guys and gals, give me a little love here.

I'd like some testimony on experiences with different or no veg times.

Who has flowered from seed? What were your results? Who has vegged during different times? What are the advantages and disadvantages of no vegging, or vegging at different times?

I am growing ww. I'm using 250w MH and 350w from four clf clamp lights, 2x100w and 2x75w.


Well-Known Member
You need to absolutely be aware of your verticle height limitations when planning your grow. My veg times vary depending on how tall they get during veg. I plan for 4x growth during flowering and I am always pretty close but not close enough to worry.
I like to let mine grow naturally without supercropping, lst, etc... I only grow for personal/medicinal use so no need for me to try and maximize yields using different techiques. I may grow in different mediums though :)


Well-Known Member
Plants with no veg end up about as big as your biggest now maximum, depending on strain. Indica's double in flowering after a real veg though, sativa's usually triple. 4x is really something.

What you should expect to see from each plant is some bud, but I'm not speculating on how well you are using the stuff you have and the stuff we don't even know about. :)

For all we know you have the lights bolted to the ceiling and the hydro on the floor and use urine for nutrients.


Active Member
Hi, Oregon,

I do have a camera but I don't know how to hook it up to the computer. But my son-in-law is coming in today and I'll have him show me and then I'll provide pictures.

I actually vegged for 6weeks, at least 3 plants, which are 12" to 15". The other plants were germinated a bit later, but I don't have precise times.

I vegged using clf, starting with 150w clamp lights for the first 2weeks. I brought in 2 more clamplights at 100w each. After the 2nd week of vegging I turned on the 250MH along with the 350 clfs on a 24 basis. I started flowering 12.15.08.

Hope that clears up the picture a bit.


Well-Known Member
I completely edited my post while you were responding. Maybe you aren't doing too bad at all is why I changed it. I'm too used to riding the edge of disaster pushing things so probably judged your plants progress a bit harshly.

I would need to know every detail to know if you are doing good or not or what you might get, but then again I could throw a dart at a dartboard and make just as accurate of an estimate even with all the info and pictures.

I think it's best you just have patience and see.

Too bad you don't have more info though or a camera so we can see if you are really doing something wrong. Often people are, in huge huge ways, but don't find out until after harvest.


Active Member
My plants are doing fine so far. But I was really interested in flowering my small plants and the last 7 ww seeds I have that I started germinating yesterday.

I don't have a veg room, so I want to put the seedlings and the small plants next to my big ones while the latter are flowering. I want to know if I should just keep the little ones on 12/12 while I harvest the big ones, or should I send them back onto a 24 hour regimen and send them into the veg state.

What have others experienced?

BTW, the ww seeds came from BC Seed King. Very healthy. I only lost one or two from a 21 seed pack ($50) and that was because I let the peat pellets dry out. I sent away for another ww packet.