Flowering Already???

Arizona Dude

Active Member
I thought I would give you an update of the two plants that I planted in my backyard in January. Although you can't tell from the pictures they are about 18" tall and kind of bushy since I topped them before they started flowering in March. They have been flowering for 8 weeks now and I am hoping they will continue on to maturity. Take a look at the pictures I took this morning, it doesn't look like they are going to revert back to vegetative growth. What are your thoughts?

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
They will probably continue to flowering, it might be too late. I would leave them outside, if they are too far gone, they will continue to flower no matter what. If they arent, she will switch back to veg on her own. There is a time in flowering where its too late and no matter what or how much light she gets, it will still flower. Kinda like the plant knows it dying. Hope this helps.

Hey josh, that is some good info. Do you know how long it has to flower to reach that point of no return?

I ask because I've got some haze that i wont think will finish (up in ny) I was thinking of force flowering them early for a couple weeks and hope they just keep flowering and finish before the frost.
Doesnt look like it to me. Looks like new growth. I cud be wrong
Ive had the same thing. They are just pre - flowers. The plant is simply saying that it is old enough to potentially flower, given short enough days. Therefore, although they are mature enough to start budding, they won't do so until those arizona nights start drawing in. Hope that answered your question. Good luck

Arizona Dude

Active Member
Final update on these plants. First off they went on to full maturity and the stuff is just killer. I had some friends over last night and they all raved about the great buzz for only taking two or three hits from a corn cob pipe. Considering this is my first grow I am pretty happy with the results. The plants were grown 100% organic using compost, worm castings, fish emulsion and high P bat guano during the flowering phase. Considering this was from bag seed I am pretty happy. I may try this again next year, plant out doors in the ground from seedlings in January and harvest in May or June. Even though the plants were on the small side I still got a decent harvest. I ended up with six one quart mason jars about 3/4 full with pure buds from the two plants. I also saved the trimmings of the small leaves from the buds and that stuff is pretty good smoke too. I gave some away last night to the guy who gave me the seeds as a thank you and gave some to another frind too. They went home happy.