Flowering already!

Hey everybody! Today is a good day because I see females! I currently have 5 autoflowering White Dwarfs and two bagseeds growing outside. 4/5 of the dwarfs have begun flowering, they are all showing beautiful white hairs. YES! As for the bagseeds, it looks as if one of them has begun flowering as well. They were started indoors in mid March, and have been outside since mid May. My question is, isnt it a little early for the non-autoflowering plant to be flowering? We have had nothing but clouds and rain here for the past few weeks, so maybe the diminished light intensity has something to do with it? The other bagseed does not look like it is showing sex yet.

As for the autoflowers, can anybody give me and nute suggestions? I have been feeding them 5-1-1 alaskan fish fert until now, but I am pretty sure I should be moving to something meant for flowering.

any comments or critiques would be greatly appreciated.
First picture - my garden
Second picture - white hairs on white dwarf
Third picture - possible white hairs on bagseed
Fourth picture - other bagseed, can anybody tell me if anything is happening?



Well-Known Member
for flower you want a fert that is high in phosphorus and potasium the second 2 numbers of the NPK

3rd plant questionable
4th looks female


Active Member
good old bat guano 2:10:3 npk.....................or chicken droppings based thats high in phosphorus...good luck