flowering and my plants drying up? HELP!


Active Member
I started this thread in another room I've been having some problems with my plant....please help

my bro just called and said its still getting worse...I have him taking care of my plant while i'm finishing up school and he's getting worried. It started with drying a the bottom leaves, and now its spreading to all the leaves. He said even the bud looks like its yellowing and drying out.

Can someone please help? I had a gnat problem so I don't know if its the roots that are causing the problem, I was also over feeding since i was following the FF schedule exactly...since then i have been giving phed water for about 3 waterings and its not clearing up. I need some advice guys this is my first grow.
here is a link to my thread if you want to see pics and read a little more into my problem.

I'm seriously lost as to why this is happening....HELP PLEASE!
