Flowering and pinching?


Should i start flowering... they've been under my 600w light for 3 weeks now...
Also what's this thing about pinching my plants... here are a few pictures.. let me know if they are healthy or not 20161026_070547.jpg 20161026_070554.jpg



Well-Known Member
How much room do you have to flower. How tall can this plant get. That will determine when you switch to 12/12

Pinching? Topping supercropping maybe what you mean and I'd do any of it at least 2 weeks before flowering so the plant had time to grow out the new tops

you should transplant top and veg for a few weeks if you have the space imo


Active Member
Plants look nice!! Good job so far! I personally would never grow a plant without training/topping. Top and grow at least another week. Then research LST. You can wind up with something like this......



Well-Known Member
I would top it and put it in a 5 gallon pot
Then let it grow for probably 3 more weeks or until It's 12-16 inches tall but I'm still unclear on your room it works like this, you got a room that's x by x by x. Ok your pit is going to take up a foot your light hood hanging and filter are going to take up a foot so what's left? If you have a 6 ft tall room then you now have a 4 ft room now your gonna have to keep that light at least a foot away and I hope it's cool tubed, so now your 4 ft is a 3 foot. your plant can Stretch 3 times its size then you need to flower at a foot . See what I'm saying. That's why I don't grow in tents, I want big plants I need 8 ft ceilings to play


Well-Known Member
In 2 gallon pots I would flower them small and fit as many in that Room as floor space allows. that's a small room to get the most potential out of a 600w imo topping and traiing ain't gonna help when too run out of root space. it makes a huge difference. if you don't have 12-16 plants in there id transplant and grow them a little bigger if you do have a dozen plants in there is if flower at a foot and hope for an oz + per plant. my opinion take it or leave it. you should be getting at least a pound off of a 600w light.


Well-Known Member
I would repot into 3 gallon pots now (1 gallon per month of grow) and I never bloom until 4 weeks, 5 even better. I would top them now, and be patient for a bigger and better plant. Hopefully the plant is Indica dominant, as they will be shorter than a Sativa dominant You should plan on tieing them down though, like drilling some holes around the top of your pot to pull the branches down with some string if needed. You could also use some Bamboo stakes stuck into the pot to help with support and tie down. Good luck


Active Member
That particular grow
I'm not sure. Usually I top at the 3rd mode. Then by LST'ing you create many more tops off of those 4 mains. I will say this though that not all of those new shoots coming up off the 4 mains wind up cola style. Some are and some are just a lot smaller . Recently got started at mainlineing. Same idea except
You build the plant off one node.



Well-Known Member
i run a small sog on a 4x6ft table, plants get vegged 2-3 weeks tops.. ive done both topped and no topped,, in sog w/ such a short veg time if topping i snip the top the day it comes out the cloner w/ roots and goes into rock wool cubes.. some smaller clones may need a week before i top but very few if any.. this way all have 1 week-2weeks of veg after the snip..
does topping increase my yields? idk,,ive had great yields with untopped plants,,and great yields with topped plants..