flowering, concerns


Active Member
i am about 1 week into the flowering cycle and the leave on the lower part of the plant are fallin off. none of the upper leaves show any symptoms of fatigue. is this normal? and there are tiny buds showin, but no hairs yet. im hoping for a girl.


Asshole Patrol
You should be Ok. If it keeps getting worse, leaves yellow, brown and die/fall off; then you should look into whether you have a deff. or something wrong.

A couple of leaves falling off the bottom shouldnt be too big of a deal at this point. Let us know if it gets worse.


Asshole Patrol
Yeah, she looks good. With that size of a plant, loosing a couple lower leaves shouldnt be any big deal.

Looks good from what I can see!

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
so it has little buds but no hairs huh?? i would guess those little buds as u describe them are prolly pollen sacks which means its a male.


Active Member
ya bro. the whole plant has small amounts of THC. not as nearly as potent as the buds, still, enogh for a buzz. even male plants have some THC. why waste the leaves? ya!


Active Member
oh well if it is a male. it was fun growing it. deff. worth it!!!! i have more seeds, ill try again soon.


Well-Known Member
very true but dont smoke it save all ur leaves that fall and all ur male plants and make some hash. its super easy to make and its the best way to get the thc from all ur non-bud plant material