Flowering cycle on first grow

So my plants have been in my flower tent for about three weeks and the only signs of budding r very small male sacks my soil ph is extremely high in acid I will add lime soon I just don't know why there not budding there also deffenitly outdoor seeds and prone for outdoor growth because when I switched to flower they all got burnt my light is not that close however they are showing signs of stretching no pistils or female per flowers . My veg tent is doing awesome. I'm going to check for light leaks or the timer cuz this don't make sense



Well-Known Member
How much light? I would say at least reduce the distance by half. It looks like you have 48" of space going on there. No bueno. They look healthy for the most part.

Strains or do you know? Some just take longer, especially depending on conditions.

Acidic is where you want to be 5.5-6.5, so careful on the lime. Too much and you will reverse your problems.
The light is as far up on the tent it can go when I put the tester in the soil it's goes all the way to the acidic off the chart. It smells real good and they are stretching and I can tell there in flower but no per flowers except male my humidity is around 60 percent my ballest is on 75 percent I haven't used any flower notes yet but that shouldn't matter only thing I can think is my timers not on 12 12 if I upload a pic think u could help me out on it. Someone did it for me and can't get a hold of them timers seem so complicated I didn't even want to touch it now I have to