flowering day 35!!


so these pictures are around day 30-35 what you guys think? also how much more size should i expect from these bby girls by time of harvest( this is kinda a repost but with more pics, didnt really get an answer to the fattness of the buds, also i was told to get it out of newbie central haha) thanks guys
2000 watts
co2 1500ppm
80-82degrees 65%humidity
advanced nutrients
44 plants
blue dream
IMG_1887.jpgView attachment 2350764IMG_1897.jpgIMG_1898.jpgIMG_1899.jpgIMG_1900.jpgIMG_1901.jpg


Well-Known Member
Watch out for that 65% humidity with those dense buds, bro! Looking very nice, but that is one CROWDED flowering room. How many fans do you have running for fresh air exchange?


Well-Known Member
Watch out for that 65% humidity with those dense buds, bro! Looking very nice, but that is one CROWDED flowering room. How many fans do you have running for fresh air exchange?
good eye, I didn't even see that till you mentioned it.


i dont have a fresh air exchange only a co2 system sealed room, but there is an extractor fan so the humidity doesn't get to high when the lights are out , three 12 inch os fans


Well-Known Member
2.5-3.0 lbs dry. who knows you might hit two a light. Thats a hell of alot of plants under each light. Any mold issues ? Hard to tell how much fatter they will get because we don't know what your feeding them (besides the brand) or how long the plants have till they finish. Invest in a better AC and dehumidifier maybe.

temps above 85 degrees make it hard for plants to utilize the co2. Also you want a lower humidity toward the end of flower. You can have 65% as long as there is a lot of air circulation but try to get it lower toward the end of flower thats my opinion anyways. And one last thing, be careful what you post on here, the feds will getchaaaaaaa!! they watch this site.


so far no mold issues, never had one i guess i have reasonable air circulation. about temps my ac has no prob getting the room into the mid 70s but i was under the impression i should be running the room hotter to make use of the co2? maybe ill lower the temp a bit, when i do it drops the humidity too =] thanks

Nutes, basically going off the advanced nutrient calculator feeds twice a week grandmaster line up what ya think?
2.5-3.0 lbs dry. who knows you might hit two a light. Thats a hell of alot of plants under each light. Any mold issues ? Hard to tell how much fatter they will get because we don't know what your feeding them (besides the brand) or how long the plants have till they finish. Invest in a better AC and dehumidifier maybe.

temps above 85 degrees make it hard for plants to utilize the co2. Also you want a lower humidity toward the end of flower. You can have 65% as long as there is a lot of air circulation but try to get it lower toward the end of flower thats my opinion anyways. And one last thing, be careful what you post on here, the feds will getchaaaaaaa!! they watch this site.
2.5 to 3.0 lbs? with 44 plants that all appear to be 18"+ and fairly bushed out. If each plant yielded an ounce dry, you've guessed correctly, but I can't recall a Blue Dream plant ever yielding that low. I would guess somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 - 2.5 oz per plant which would yield a total of 5.5 to 6.75+lbs. Now that may seem like a lot for 2,000 watts and I agree that 3+lbs a light is well lets just call it epic. But 1500ppm of Co2, nutrients that are known for their yield, and a strain as heavy yielding as Blue Dream I see it very possible if not probable. I would say the reason for the tight canopy and crowded floor space is to utilize the light footprint, as 4,000 watts would really be ideal! I would try and bring down the RH a little closer to 45% and the temps down into the 70's even 78 or 79 is better than 82. I agree that the higher temps help with Co2 uptake but I feel that you loose in other aspects of your grow. Find a happy medium and I think your plants will thank you.

for day 30, they look really good. You have built a solid foundation these first four weeks, now it's time to pour on the love and get them girls to swell! Big Bud and OverDrive will help with this obviously. A lot of growers start their flush too soon and you miss out on a lot of the plants prime time where it really packs on the weight. I used to flush for 14 days, then 10, now I only flush for 5-7 days and make sure I don't build up too many excess salts early on in flowering that are hard to get rid later on. I grow in a coco mix btw.

Jpill how do you know the feds watch this site? Im not disagreeing just curious if it's a hunch, a fact, or just a wonderful assumption? If the feds are worried about 44 plants that aren't even 2' tall and a potential yield of under 7lbs, then we all have a lot more to worry about. I have seen the feds fuck with growers for a lot less, but I'd be surprised to see them secure a warrant based on pictures of an indoor grow posted on a grow web page. Look at what happened to Overgrow, and I knew some big time players back then and for the most part all of them faired alright. I guess anything it possible these days, and you never know what the next day will bring, I just have hope that the feds will worry about the meth/herion/pain meds epidemic in our country and not so much on us growers.

Keeping things frosty,


Well-Known Member
they watch man trust me..

I'm using AN as well. My feed is a little different than yours though. I do one feed nutrients the next feed compost tea and so on nutrient feed then compost feed.

you can drop temps to high 60's and be fine. I have a 4 ton central AC unit and start flower at 75* and usually end around 68*
JPill, I'll take your word for it, you seem pretty confident. Fuck I wish I had a government job that paid me to moniter internet grow sights, wait no I don't, but you get the idea. I also run AC and my rooms run like this... Veg rooms 75-77, Flower rooms week 1 thru week 5 is 73-75, and then week six I drop the temp 2 degrees and raise the lights 4". Week seven I drop another 2 degrees and raise the lights another 4". By week 8 my temps are down into the 67-69 range and my lights get raise 8 more inches. I do all of this to lock out nutrient uptake and to being out more of the plants natural colors. Almost all of my strains will show some sign of color change when I drop the temps and descrease light intensity in the last few weeks of flowering. I have a new trick I am going to try the last week of flowering/flush in hopes of adding even more flavor and aroma than I already get. I guess we will see in a few weeks if my trick is worth sharing or just another pipe dream...



good looking on the advice ive turned the temps down to about 77 well see how that goes =]
anyway here are my other rooms thought u guys would appreciate it IMG_1912.jpgIMG_1913.jpg