Find a better way to hide it and VEG that bitch! Your yield and plant would be weak I'd Imagine, the question is why? I sense a hiding issue, which resorts back to my first sentence. On another note if you go 12/12 dont do it right after germination because it hasn't even sprouted yet, seedlings gain nothing from the dark and everything from the light, so if you want a faster grow run 24/0 until it sprouts and at least builds itself somewhat. If you really want a quicker grow that produces, buy top of the line equipment and follow everything such as humidity, temp, soil, nutes, etc PRECISELY! lol, which is hard to do and sometimes a little frustrating ha. OR buy an autoflowering strain
In fact correct me if im wrong but 12/12 from the start would actually decrease the grow time substantially not to mention produce a weak yield. It would take a while for it to catch on and yield. If you run 24/0 or 18/6 and actually follow a light schedule the plant will sense the "season change" as soon as you go 12/12 and begin flowering.