Flowering girls need help


Active Member
So I have been doing great up until now. I have had them in flowering for about 5 weeks now and I have noticed lately the leafs are getting brown tips as well as the edges. I have not had any problems until the last time I changed the res water and nutri. Set up wise, its a drain and fill, it gets filled 6 times per day now. I was having it get it 10 times per day but decided to drop it down cause maybe they were getting too much nutri? I am using Advanced for the nutri. The ph has been kept at about 5.5-6 for there entire growth. I have the temperature right around 79degrees with light on and 76 with it off. I am noticing that it is taking a long time for the hairs to change colors, the growth is really nice and plump but all of the hairs are white still. I was thinking about filling the res with just plain distilled water and letting them get flushed out for 3 days but do not know if this is a good idea. Pics are posted below of what the leafs look like. Please advise on what it looks like and ideas on what to do to speed the process. I was told to add more bloom to the water to get the hairs to turn but I wanted the advise of fellow members here who have given me good advise before.



Weed Modifier
its the first sign of nutrient burn...but it is not that bad...wouldn't hurt to use just water for a couple days then....just back off on nutrients, a tad, and they will be ok.


Active Member
would you do the flush or just drop the feeding down? I did think it was getting a little to much, the roots would always be wet when I would look at them and then the pump would come on and fill up the container to give another feeding.


Weed Modifier
would you do the flush or just drop the feeding down? I did think it was getting a little to much, the roots would always be wet when I would look at them and then the pump would come on and fill up the container to give another feeding.
i would do both....since whatever you mixed in rez was a bit too high in ppm/nutrients...its ok to feed less amount of nutes more often ,than the other way around.


Active Member
A pinch of Epson salt.. And I mean a pinch on top of your regular nutes in ph-ed water.. Looks great however.. Nice days ahead And oh, looks like they need air.. Put a fan on them


New Member
I would just back off 15% in the nutes and bring your ph up to 5.8. Mag locks out @ 5.7. Adjust up and let her swing to 6.0. I don't see a need to flush yet. Your right on top of it though, kudos.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advise on the leaf issue. What about with the white hairs? They are all white, I do not have even one that has turned. Could it be just because it is not getting the correct nutri and or ph level? I have a 250w hps and it is only two plants growing, I am sure that it is enough. They are not that tall, I use the bend method so they are about 1and half ft tall each and lean to the side by a ft.


New Member
You are sounding a tad impatient LOL The hairs color will come at it's own time. No magic there. It does not indicate any deficiency or anything. Maybe AN will come out with a bottle that says" "Guaranteed to turn the hairs brown in 1 week" LOL.


Active Member
I can wait, I was just worried that it was something with the levels. You have no idea how many times I have tried to have babies and each time got a male or hem so this grow I am very cautious. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
So I have cut down the amount of times the pump kicks on to feed. I cut it back to 7 times per day and now they are looking worse. The tips on all of them now are turning brown and some are getting spots. Should I increase the nutri of micro? I think they are lacking mag but I could be wrong.
Epson salt? What exactly does that do?


Well-Known Member
Its all good man, were girls flower they sometimes just have weird stuff happen to them its not really something to be concerned about, the only thing that you should be worrying about is dieseise or fungus at this point.