Flowering Help...


Active Member
whats up ? got a quick question if you dont mind? i hove a million green balls and they seem to flower then fall off and then seems like nothing after that --any suggestions?? i can use all the help i can get first time trying and a little lost?


Well-Known Member
I would have to see pictures to be sure - sounds like you have a fully developed male that is shedding pollen - not good. Pollen sticks to everything & dosen't go away. If this is what is happening every female that grows in that area will be pollinated even after you remove the male. Only thing you can do is remove the plant and clean,clean,clean as best you can.


Well-Known Member
that looks like a male to me but its still hard to tell cuse you pics. or so fuzzy what happend you were to high to stand still ...lol but thats my .02 cents


Well-Known Member
Yes I concur. That is a male that is shedding pollen. You will have to do some serious cleaning in there & remove the plant. You can't get any smoke from it. You could look into some recipes or save the pollen to seed a female. Keep growin'!


Well-Known Member
here is a few examples
The first pic is the definition of a male plant. Kill it asap. If you have any other plants near it, remove it very carefully. Try not shaking it. This is a mature male plant, so if there are females around they're pollinated. So you'll get seeds in your buds. Anyway, after you remove the male, clean everything thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
Any more suggestions or tips on my flowering situation? My thread was temporarily taken over.


Well-Known Member
i hate having your thread poached.... add co2 for flowering. water with molasses in everywatering and feeding. unsulfured molasses from the grocery store.


Well-Known Member
What is an affordable & easy way to add co2? How much molasses should be mixed per gallon of water?


Well-Known Member
What is an affordable & easy way to add co2? How much molasses should be mixed per gallon of water?
i put one tablespoon of molasses per gallon.

i dont have the co2 recipe on me... but take a gatoraid bottle or plastic bottle. poke a hole in the lid. add 2 tblspoon of dry activated yeast, 2 tbls of sugar and 1/2 c of warm water. cover hole with finger, shake bottle and release finger with bottle pointed over your plants. do that a couple of times a day and then leave the bottle in your grow room. change the mixture weekly or so. if you pm me, it will remind me to look up the correct recipe when i get hm tonight


Well-Known Member
Is there an easier co2 method? Is there anything that you can just sit in the grow room?


Well-Known Member
yes there are plenty of simple diy set ups throughout these threads just do a search for it and you will find one that suits you.