Flowering i think?


Active Member
:joint:I planted my 2 girls about a month ago and i live in the bay area..... NOw they have hairs as if they were budding ... I keep giving it grow big right now but should i be giving it stuff for flowering... The reason i ask is because i thought it wasnt going to bud until september when the time changes but maybe im worng ... PLease someone help and give a friend some advice?:peace:


Active Member
Funny you should say that, I have a couple outside and I had looked at the time calender for this year and figured out that they wouldnt start budding until the end of september, buuuut to my surprise a couple days ago they both started flowering. Nature is inexplicable I guess. Im sure some asshole will give us some snood reason why its happened and talk like were supposed to fucking know everything. Im sick of the haters.


Well-Known Member
it takes along time to bud, there not like a dandelion that only takes a week......outdoor=7-10 WEEKS to flower, indoor takes even longer. they might be done bye then, but they start now......mine have been in bud for 3-4 weeks so far.

and yeah.... ima h8r, your point? most of the stuff is common sense....plants flower on 14/10, leaves need nitrogen, to much or to little will kill something, blah, blah, blah....atleast it USED to be common sense,rare sence now........i guess the dumbing down of society at large is working.....
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Well-Known Member
Quick explaination of outdoor flowering. After the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, which is June 21/22 the days start to get shorter. As days get shorter the plants are naturally triguered to start flowering, which is for most of the northern hemisphere between mid july and mid august. 12&12 is just a trick you can play on the plants to make them flower artificially. It's what the indoor guys do whenever they decide. You should be harvesting 8 to 10 weeks from when your plants start to flower. Which will be from mid September to late October.


Well-Known Member
Quick explaination of outdoor flowering. After the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, which is June 21/22 the days start to get shorter. As days get shorter the plants are naturally triguered to start flowering, which is for most of the northern hemisphere between mid july and mid august. 12&12 is just a trick you can play on the plants to make them flower artificially. It's what the indoor guys do whenever they decide. You should be harvesting 8 to 10 weeks from when your plants start to flower. Which will be from mid September to late October.


Active Member
can some one clue me in?
my plant splits at the very bottom into two plants and is about 4 feet tall and is starting to branch out but really slow should i cut all the bottom leaves that are turning yellow off so that the top grows more without wasting energy on the bottom like lollpopping it?
Also my plant has nine leaves i was justing wondering what the difference between a plant with seven nine or eleven leaves is.
Thank you in advance!


Active Member
MAN i No how long it takes to bud im not a dumb ass. I have grown indoors but never out.... but besides that im about to flush my plants and then hit them with the bloom nutes ... thanks everyone for the quick replies.:joint:


Active Member
i have a question that relates i have a plant its been outside for maybe 3months and its like a foot maybe 1 1/2 but i thins its flowering at the top im new to growing and should i rip the bottom yellow leafs off?

* extremely sorry for talking of mi own in your post ive somked one to many and cant quite figure out how to post
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Well-Known Member
:joint:I planted my 2 girls about a month ago and i live in the bay area..... NOw they have hairs as if they were budding ... I keep giving it grow big right now but should i be giving it stuff for flowering... The reason i ask is because i thought it wasnt going to bud until september when the time changes but maybe im worng ... PLease someone help and give a friend some advice?:peace:
I live in Cali too, and I have all of my plant in flower right now; although I planted my greenhouse ones in March,so they're big as trees and growing over the tops of my fence with buds all on them. It's just genetics in some plant that will still flower even under long light treatments.