flowering idea, good or bad??


Active Member
ok i have been flowering for about 45 days now, all the hairs are still white, what i am wondering is if for maybe 3 days out of the week i could give them more light than 12 hours? i am wondering if this will help thier growth by givving them more energy to store, or will it hurt them????
lol, very bad idea. seasmoke has it. you'll simply make them think they need to be vegging again and then they'll get rather confused and go nowhere :lol:
that is how you may end up with hermies.. messing with light schedules is a great way to stress and confuse your lil babies and cuz them to turn hermie, which is never a good thing.. seein that your forty some days into flower, i would think that you don't have much longer to go on them, so why not just leave them alone and let them do their thing..
good luck on the grow m8..
whhy not listen to this..

the nig debate during flowering is whether to give them TOTAL DARKENSS for 36 hours etc prior to harvest, not 36 hours of light. you're thinking in the wrong direction. too many people try their own take on natures natural way
Reset it to 12/12, then don't worry about it.

It's done and there is nothing you can do but keep on keeping on.

You should be ok back on a 12/12.

ok thanks, i just fixed the timer so they back on there normal schdule, the only thing thats different is when the lights go off and come on. the time on and off are 12 hours, it used to be from 11am to 11 pm now its 10 to 10, will this do anything to the plants or will they be fine
They can't tell time, at least mine can't. LOL

10-10, 11-11, no matter as long as it's a 12/12 cycle.

ok thanks, i now noticed they will get a lot more sunlight if i put them out eariler in the day, i think i am going to change the time to 9am-9pm that way they can get a good ammount of sunlght before i put them back in the cfls for the rest of the cycle
Just let it ride. They'll be OK.. or they'll be hermie. Keep your eyes peeled for bananas. In truth, though, I wouldn't sweat it too bad. I've swapped cycles like that and still got 7/7 sensi. The only time I'm comfortable switching cycles, though, is in veg.. and I did 3 days of complete blackness on the days prior to harvest. Worked wonders.. and easier trim, due to nearly complete resource starvation (crispy leaves).