flowering in two weeks shall i get rid of my SCorg ? and grow normal , first grow?


Active Member
so ive got 3 bigbudda haze plants growing in a cabnet 250W mh/hps there under a screen at the moment and are starting to fill it up nicley , but im thinking to get rid of my screen ? just grow normaly let them grow a bit of height ?
what do you reckon ?
the picture is from a few weeks ago and they have filled 3/4'ish' of the screen
this is my first grow .. so i duno.. if my SCorg isn't done properly will in decrese my yeild instead of increasing it , or just stay as would have been naturaly ?



you should stick to the scrog.....the screen will help with more budsites to grow, meaning more colas......i currently have a scrog setup also with 250 hps.. 2 plants, special kush and crimea blue.....grow space is only 16x30 inches.....today is the fourth week of flowering.....heres a pic of the setup from last week.....oh yea, i counted 42 colas.....



Active Member
you should stick to the scrog.....the screen will help with more budsites to grow, meaning more colas......i currently have a scrog setup also with 250 hps.. 2 plants, special kush and crimea blue.....grow space is only 16x30 inches.....today is the fourth week of flowering.....heres a pic of the setup from last week.....oh yea, i counted 42 colas.....
wicked i didnt know that more budsites will be made? i fort it was just down to how much i topped the plant, are budsites formed becuase the plant it side ways and a new branch forms and shoots out the side of the stem ?


yea, thats how you get more bud exactly. you gotta train the plant to grow horizontilly, this way, giving more light to the new shoots coming out the sides, (jus like you said)....During veg, try to keep everything under the screen....by the time you hit flowering time, all the plants will grow out of the screen, and hopefully they grow out at the same height, getting equal light to all bud colas.......another way to train plants is to tie them down.... but then again, what do i know, this is my first grow also...........good luck on the grow......anymore questions let me know.......


Active Member
here are a couple of pics when they were still vegging.....i believed i had them vegged for 2 months before i switched to flowering............
I have a 90% sativa strain do you rekon I should completely fill the screen before flowering or as
it's beging to fill as there going to strech and grow alot , I heard the first two weeks of flowering you should continue to pull shoots under the screen as you would normaly during veg and then let them grow upwards 2 weeks into flower.


Active Member
you should stick to the scrog.....the screen will help with more budsites to grow, meaning more colas......i currently have a scrog setup also with 250 hps.. 2 plants, special kush and crimea blue.....grow space is only 16x30 inches.....today is the fourth week of flowering.....heres a pic of the setup from last week.....oh yea, i counted 42 colas.....
is yours a cab grow or is it just small , can I ask
where you out your fan ? and how it hits the plants I want to put them into slightly bigger pots but then there will be no space for my ossoiclating fan , have you got a pic of your setup including your fan
thanks :)