Flowering issue w/Short Stuff Snowryder

I started a single Short Stuff Snowryder fem seed back on the 16th of May and am concerned about the flowering time the plant has been taking. I am now on day 59 and the plant continues to grow and develop pistils, but doesnt seem to really want to jump into growing the buds... just keeps growing in size. I should be harvesting in a week or two but all I have are LOTS of colas and pistils. I ended up having to SCROG the plant early on because of its size, and its still going!

Of course, question I ask myself is what am I doing wrong? Bad nutes (Botanicare, switched to flowering nutes after first 3 weeks), wrong dosages, other issue, or is it just maybe a funky pheno in this seed and its just going to take longer than expected? The plant is growing in an autopot and I keep the Ph around 5.9 with a 150w HPS for lighting.

The plant appears healthy, nice deep green, no leaf die-off (which I am concerned about with the plant at 59 days). I have only grown a couple plants, so I am still new at this, but if there is something I am not doing right or overlooking, I would appreciate feedback.

I dont have any pics of it, but if it would help, I could take a couple and post them.