Flowering issue

Hey guy i hope someone can help me out with this. I have a few plants but 1 of them started flowering about 2 months ago but the buds dont seem to getting any bigger as of the last 3 weeks, also this plant prob only gets 8 or so hours of direct sunlight due to where i could plant it for security reasons, will that continue to be hinder my plants from getting full grown buds?. Here are some pics, also im starting to find webs on the underside of the bottom branches which is also making me want to harvest this plant.Also the last pic is of another plant... is that a male? i have never encountered a male plant so i need some help here.

p.s. sorry about the ipod pic.. no idea how that got uploaded and i cant figure out how to delete it.





Well-Known Member
i dont think its mature enough to tell if its male yet
try looking at the higher nodes to see if its a male or not



Well-Known Member
I can still quite a few white pistils on there still, so cutting it now will be a waste in my opinion. Needs at least another 3 weeks for sure. So id wait, give the ladys some High PK food and they should put on some weight. PK13/14 by canna is what i could recommend like. Tried and tested with excellent results.
I cant see if its a male or not either frm that pic.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
oh and as for spider webs, i would check underneath the leafs so see if there any mites, little tiny things they are.

I grow outside and I just let em be, i dont spray neem oil as a repellent or anything like that. Yeah they get flys on em, all sorts of insects but its nature and they been here longer than we have and weed plants are quite hardy so takes a lot for it to keel over and die. If there spider webs coming from normal spiders then dont worry about it, there prob eating insects that are your ladys anyway. But if there spider mites, I would assess how bad is it and then take necessary precautions.
thanks for all the advice i ended up having to pull it out of the ground, caught a few ppl trying to break into my yard the previous night, just not gonna risk it, not amazing but here are some pics of the trimmed bud after a day or 2.IMAG0194.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow, people trying to break into your yard. That is a huge security risk to whoever you live with including yourself, be smart and dont do stupid shit to endanger others... just saying
i totally agree... drunk underage kids who were takin care of by the police, but yeah im not sure i will continue doin this outside, on one hand its kinda hard to think of a good security situation and on the other hand its not really worth having ppl trying to break into my property.