flowering issues

Hey I see a lot of wrong responses on here regarding what to do.. First I can't tell what lights you are running but is that only 2-3 cfl's that you are trying to flower with? Light could be partial issue..

First are you positive your timers are set on 12/12 and it's working properly?? If so go to, #2 are you sure you don't have any light leaks whatsoever (have you been in the room with lights off and you don't see any light source anywhere correct? If so go to next step... #3 You never open the door to your room during dark period not even to peak in at night? If so go to next step... #4 have you cut back on your veg nutes and b vitamins and switched to flowering nutrients??

I have a feeling you may have some or a few of the issues above causing your plants not to initiate flowering.. But if you are sure that all of those parameters are correct continue on reading...

If you used pre fertilized soil you may have excess build up of nitrogen in your soil which is inhibiting flowering growth... Furthermore did you check any of the plants at their nodes to see pre-flowering signs of them being females?? Males take longer to show signs of sex usually.. And it's often later than you want to find out! That's big issue running bag seed and also don't know what your working with highly advise not doing that ever.. Anyways since they were bag seed it is possible they could all be male plants hence you not seeing any flowering occurring...

If all of these parameters are in check then patience is a virtue but I'm under the impression you have a couple of the issues I stated above to be in play in your garden.. I have never taken more than 4-7 days to see flowers pistils begin to develop and stretching to be in full effect once I initiate flowering.. Usually at about day 2-3 stretching occurs and this is followed by your main flowering sites fan leaves to cluster together and start producing pistils..

Make sure you are in 12/12 not 11/13 whatever that's about idk but don't do that.. Make sure no light leaks not even at the base of your door or trim around door or anywhere for that matter!! Cut out all nitrogen base fertilizers for right now.. Use a bloom enhancer such as bud ignitor or bud blood by advanced nutrients.. Or using any bloom enhancer heavy in P.. Hope you get to the bottom of this.. Also what lights are on those flowering plants need aloof light and proper nutrients to inhibit and promote growth the plants are using the most energy they have at this point in your grow and that could be affecting your abilities to see flowering start.. Coupled with something else on the checklist above once you figure all of them out you should see some successful flowers begin to form..

I'm not on here to bash the people I actually just broke down and made an account to help everyone learn from my experiences and techniques I wish people gave me when I began this 12 years ago.. But too many people online put out garbage information that have no idea what they are talking about.. Please refrain from giving other people wrong or bad information just to make it sound like you know what you're talking about that's only screwing everyone else up!!

Running more than 1 plant per pot is perfectly fine and has proven highly efficient in many studies and grows.. Putting 3 small plants per 5 gallon containers in a scrog setup will produce heavy yields and premium quality over single plant containers in a sea of green method grow, Ed Rosenthal proves this method in his cannibible if you don't believe me research it yourself.. Secondly no flowering should take 21 days to begin.. It might take 21 days for flowering clusters to begin to develop but forming pistils and signs of flowering should come in the first few days of flowering and your 12/12 light cycle including the stretch phase..

The person who said it looks like your in bloom because the plants have stretched is also incorrect... Think about it - any plant that isn't getting light for 12-13 hours a day is gonna stretch!! That doesn't mean that flowering has began either.. Means they aren't getting enough light which I think could be part of your problem if all your running is the 3 cfl's I see in the photo?

Third misting your plants in veg and bloom up until the 4th-5th week with the proper humic-fulvic acids and vitamins is highly beneficial to both your plants and the root zone by increasing the availability of certain micro nutrients for your plant to uptake and thrive independent of your nutrient profile during veg and bloom..spraying your plants is an important way to distribute critical micro nutrients when you are having ph problems or deficiencies but not only some nutrients and plants uptake foliar feelings a lot better than root feedings.. For instance, I spray all through veg every week and all through the 3rd to 5th weeks in bloom with a combination of products that increase flowering hormones and vigorous growth such as bud factor X - ancient amber from roots organics - thrive alive and humic and fulvic acids.. Please don't post stuff that isn't true!! Spraying and foliar feeding with micronutrients and preventative products like neem oil is fine to do and will not hurt your plants in any way.. Maybe he is being proactive and spraying neem oil to reduce the risk of pests in his garden from prior problems. Please don't post garbage answers and responses unless you know what you are talking about.. It only will help everyone trying to get to the same place better off in the long run!!

How long have they been in veg for? Where there any pre-flowers in veg before you flipped to 12-12? Sometimes plants aren't ready for bloom they haven't been begged long enough and are not mature enough to go into flowering.. There are so many factors that can cause your issue but I guarantee it is one of the ones on my list in the above paragraphs..

Next time you go from veg to bloom try this it really works well do it every time works like a charm:
Turn your lights off for 24-36 hours before flowering and begin using a flowering enhancer such as bud blood or bud ignitor about a week to a few days before going to 12/12 then continuing this for roughly 2 weeks into bloom this really triggers those sites to set and flowering to begin providing energy to your plants and firing up the flowering hormones.. Turning your lights off for a day or so increases the hormones to change the internal chemistry of your plants to produce the flowering hormones needed for your plants to go into bloom before you switch to 12/12.. then continue with the 12-12 photo period after this is done this will jump start them going into bloom for super successful results.. BOL hope this helps cheers


New Member
175w u bulb metalhalide internal magneticballast ( assume )

three foot t five high output six bulb only using four of them one coral blue one thirty nine watts per bulb and three white bulbs


no light leaks . i climbed in and its dark dark
tight space to get into funny shit me trya fit in there but ... i did see the trim on the door some lights but i fixed it with a sheet now its fine .

pots sizes are a three gallon for the femalee that is in like week four flowwwer

the mature female which is budding and making trichome production is in a one gallon or one and half gallon pot.
even thou the pots so small shes budding and building nice flowers idk if there swelling or not


nutes used are florabloom one tablespoon
one table mollasses
Sorry just to back up some of you plant are flowering in same room and some aren't? And everything with your plants looks fine no pests no disease no deficiencies correct?


New Member
knats . i use neem oil mist on larger one and on soil on both . only flowering .
no def
no disease

minor lolipoping

bigger one flower took a min pistils showed then retracted then stretched the made the begining sites . idk if the hermie i cut out got her or not
Hmm .. Damn man I'm stumped that's really strange..

The dark cycle was never interrupted when u swapped them in at any point?? You are feeding bloom nutes right now? How long have they been on 12/12?

You can try to take plant put it into complete darkness for 24-36 hours to change hormones to trigger flowering than go into your 12/12 again.. Do they show any signs of sexing? There's only less than a handful of reason she won't flower primarily has to do with light cycle or dark cycle being interrupted by light leaks or timer not working properly.. Since your other plant is flowering though that seems really odd.. Did u put them into room at same time and everything? I'm not gonna lie if what u tellin me to be true that's really odd.. Never had this problem usually 3-5 days my shits a rockin
Oh and fuck that 11/13 bs.. 12/12 man don't do anything different than that.. That's whats they want inside.. I know outside there not really 12/12 and all that added input but your inside and that's the beauty of controlling the growth and triggering flowering when you want too u know


New Member
i have one grow closet i used it for veg and thinned out males and hermies .
im down to two plants both girl
bud diff on flower maturity