flowering - lower leaves yellowing


Not trying to hijack your thread but I am going through a very similar situation and would like to get some advice on what to do.. Ok, I have one plant under about 200w cfl, in FFOF soil, watered every other day and fed every other watering with GenHydro Floranova Bloom. It appears to be an Indica dominant strain but is still bagseed. I ph tap water left out for 36hrs to 6.0 before watering both with and without nutes. I tested my runoff pH and it was close to 6.0 as well.

The plant is exactly 3 weeks into flower and is having more and more yellowing of the lower leaves with alot drying up and dying. I think its leaves are yellowing and dying at too fast of pace too early on into flower.

It appears to be a nitrogen deficiency but wanted to confirm that here. Should I give it the GH Floranova GROW formula instead of the bloom next feeding since it has a 7-4-10 NPK ratio while the BLOOM has only a 4-8-7 NPK ? Any adivce would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Hey, no worries. We are all here for same reason. Grow some good dope. anyways, my plants are at just over 4 weeks flowering and they have lost 4 fan leaves from the bottom. You seem to have a similar problem as i do so hopefully you can get some help. However, the more and more i watch my plant grow, I seem to be less worried about the yellowing of the leaves. I believe that at the rate that my plant is losing leaves and they have all become yellow, the plant will be ready to harvest.

But, I am going to get a nute for flowering to see if it makes a significant difference. Thanks for the help on the ratio's.


Hey, no worries. We are all here for same reason. Grow some good dope. anyways, my plants are at just over 4 weeks flowering and they have lost 4 fan leaves from the bottom. You seem to have a similar problem as i do so hopefully you can get some help. However, the more and more i watch my plant grow, I seem to be less worried about the yellowing of the leaves. I believe that at the rate that my plant is losing leaves and they have all become yellow, the plant will be ready to harvest.

But, I am going to get a nute for flowering to see if it makes a significant difference. Thanks for the help on the ratio's.

Purfict, thanks man, when you say your plant has lost 4 fan leaves from the bottom you mean like 4 levels of leaves correct? Or do you mean 4 leaves total? Because mine is getting to that point (4 levels) but the buds are still healthy lush green and have no signs of dryness or yellowing. I gave my plant 1/2 strengh GH Floranova Bloom nutes 4 part N with the GH floralious which is 2 parts N and Ive seen no signs of improvement of the yellowing leaves so i guess its putting all its energy into bud production (I hope).
I guess its a true indica with a short 5-6 wk flowering time. (again I hope)... Id really like to get some other opinons as to whether its yellowing too fast)

CCB- Hey man, it's me, just signed up like you told me to. Anyways, it's GENETIC. I had some Calizhar by Chimera, and that strain yellows/purples/reds and the fan leaves drop like bricks. If you're doing the same thing to two different strains and only one is giving you problems (as is the case) you need to just chill and let that strain die out after you harvest and keep the Aspen Chill Colorado (Master Kush [Dutch Passion] X Blue Cheese [Barney's]) strain going, you can always get more clones if you need 'em. Also have some Master Kush pure seeds and some OG Kush (Sour Diesel X Chemdawg) for your next cycle.


Well its been a few days since i last messaged and I lost another leaf and some another one is becoming lighter in green colour. My buds are growing fantastically. I have 16 budding sites that are all atleast 2 inchs long, and my main cola is around 7inches long and quite thick. Im almost at 6 weeks and the bud is VERY STICKY, and the white hairs have started turning brown. Ive lost about 7 fan leaves, but Im not worried as I believe the plant is harvesting the energy from the fan leaves into bud production.

ccb - I wouldnt worry about the yellowing of the leaves unless a majority of the leaves are turning yellow at the same time. If the plant is dropping only one leaf at a time I would consider your plant heavy into bud production.

I will get some pictures of my girl tomorrow up on here so you can check out what she looks like now and see if your plant is something to worry about.


Active Member
This is my first time posting?growing and could use some help. I have had these plants since clones and they have been in the ground outside NorCal for about 11 weeks. The medium is Foxfarm ocean forest but only in 18" x 1' hole, the surrounding soil is just that, dirt! I`m guessig they are in 3rd week flowering? Hard to say. I have just begun( past week) some super light nutes ( molasses/ koolbloom 1/4 strength). I have some severe yellowing but only on the WW.....I have some moderate yellowing on the Hawaiian haze and very little if any on the Hindu Skunk. I did not nute the plants at all since they were put in the ground 11 weeks ago. Is it possible Nitrogen deficiency? Or is it normal flowering, but this early? The plants are watered daily as the temps here are over 100 daily. Underwatering? Overwatering? Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...



Well-Known Member
I use fox farms big bloom organic and a pinch of guano a certain varity added to it and molasses in a gallon of water and buds swell right up after a few weeks and the leaves turn right back to green the yellowing goes right away just about . what ive found is you don't need a plant to be dark green when harvesting . if you believe that because your plant or plants are very green all the time that your crops are superior then most ppls then you are sadly mistaken and confused. you want to see yellowing leaves during the last week that way there you know that the plant is running out of nutes and is using up what is left still on the plant. if your harvesting with dark green leaves all the way down the plant then you most likely are gonna be smoking a bunch of chemicals which will effect overall quality and taste. when leaves die off which a couple usually do you just pick em off however I never pick off unless it turns brown and crispy and crumbles the plant needs all the energy it can get so I never strip a plant. that doesn't allow more energy to goto producing buds at all

smokin away

Well-Known Member
Growing outside in really hot weather with temps touching and sometimes super ceding 100 degrees present special problems. The plants drink more water in that condition no doubt. Some days I have had to water morning and evening especially when the UV registers 10+ even with plants right in the ground. Pay special attention to the leaf position. If they droop it wants water. The larger plants need massive amounts of N to keep those giant leaves good and green. Check out MG Organic Bone Meal at 5-9-0 and use as directed. Just take a plastic spoon and sprinkle around the bottom being careful to spread it about evenly. Then water up.

Currently starting to show some similar signs on my OG Kush plant. 2.5 weeks into flower on canna nuits ( A+B , boost ) and super thrive during flower will add Pk before flush. Coco for grow medium, 20 litre pots and 600 w digi hps on super lux approx 670 w Iam told Air in/filter out.

With the lovely weather we have been experiencing lately my overnight/lights on temp is slightly higher than I would like sat at 33•c but hasn't been a issue all the way through veg and up to this point.

She's due a feed later so il move the light up a little drop the ballast back down to 600w and feed her canna nitrogen aswell as the A+B, Boost, and superthrive see if it helps.

Overall plant looks really healthy lovely dark green just one or two of the lower leaves starting to yellow and the edges turning brown see pics. Any help or advice appreciated . Il keep yal posted if adding the nitrogen helps ✌

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