flowering mini mother journal.


Well-Known Member
1 and 2.3 weeks into flower..i took some clones just before flowering so the missing branches are now clones....smells skunky wiiith a strong odor like clean...idk how else to describe it...i know she dont look the best but ii did take alot of clones lol



Well-Known Member
??i do not understand???
its a retired mother plant, it was just kept short.

the first picture is from 1 week the trich shot is from a few days ago then the others at 2 weeks into flower ..it has wayyyy more trichs now...


Well-Known Member
the pic was takin just before lights on so only 3 lights were on and the window is behind it....it gets direct sun all sun on top of the lighting....i have it covered just enough at a bit above light level so it gets sunlight and people cant see that i have multiple lights....or a plant there........this is a side project


Well-Known Member
What made you decide to flower so soon after decimating her? Is it an experiment?

On a positive note trimming is going to take about 15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
experiment / lack of space
shes been lst'd /supercropped/topped and testing some new things out
the buds are really dense even if i do not take the lower lighting into account......most of that flowering was done with 2 /13 watt cfl bulbs and was still dense i added alot of light for obvious reasons tho. i really was not prepared.....its growing vertical now...it grew wide first...thought that was strange...
flowering will be done mid may early june


Well-Known Member
I'd just toss it outside and she what she does. I'd bet it yields better than with the little sunlight plus CFLs it's getting now.

What variables vs constants are we working with here


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about that.....however its rainy season here...maybe just sticking her out when the suns out?...i would take quality / indoor taste over yield...i have others for yield ,this one is for personal use i plan on letting it go a bit extra to get a painkiller/narcotic /couchlock type high.....
shes organic mostly....i have fed her 2 times ...
ohhhhh she was root bound bad...since i moved her the growth has exploded..

when i started flower she was like a stick....she has came back 20X.

it was a runt plant as well....i chalked it off to a male so it also got neglected....tossed off in the corner.....last year i did one solely in this window and got a couple ounces...it gets alot of light im not in the city so nothing blocks light


Well-Known Member
It definitely looks better already. Looks like some kind of scary frankenweed in that last update with all the lights at different angles surrounding it!


Well-Known Member
lol, maxing the light igot and trying to get light under the fan leaves...im using reflectors and white paper as well as window light from the front(it covers the plant).....i just have it positioned well...\
  1. also i looked and its not foxtailing /yet...its growing cluster of calyxs its strange.ill take a pic of what i mean when the lights go on....i think i know what happened and im gonna replicate it on the lower branch to see..because it increased the size of that one part of the bud if so by alot


Well-Known Member
3/26watt cfl bulbs...i have more to add/thinking about adding..i think shes doing good all things considered.


Well-Known Member
update..........ok so,i gave in and picked a bud had to stop its vertical growth ,i want it to foxtail more...but the bud at week 3 is solid...its looks alot more mature then it should....ill get a pic if i remember...its as dense /more dense then alot from hps i have tried......ill update on the smoke...
it looks /smells good...iv heared mexican can grow forever and be done early and all kinds of wierd things to.....im going to reveg her....i had her outside earlier and outside under the sun the leaves are black green....
i cannot put her outside she would stand out so much lol
cfl's are very underrated......the only thing lost was yield and im not even sure thats lost....as is im betting around 2oz done dry as is...
the density is shocking