flowering mother has issues w/pics


Well-Known Member
So... Im about 2 weeks into flowering, and my 2 mother plants, which I decided to flower alongside my clones, are making me nervous.
These mothers had a large harvest of clones taken from them about 2 weeks before I started flowering them. I thought they had recovered enough because they had new healthy growth, but now I'm nervous because i noticed that all of the new growth has only 3 finger leaves, when the plant normally puts out 5,7, and 9 finger leaves... to my knowledge, I think this indicates a stressed out plant.

so my question is this. Is the risk of this plant turning hermie too high to continue with it??

I wasn't planning on flowering these mother plants, i just had nowhere to put them, so i thought "what the heck", but I def. don't wanna seed my whole crop. It is crowded in there as it is, and more space would do the other plants well. I'm not beyond getting rid of them, but i just hate wasting potential...




Well-Known Member
keep an eye out for pollen sacks, i wouldnt do anything drastic until you see some of those. weird leave growth itself is not a definite sign of hermie. first sign of a pollen sack is when to hit the panic button and get rid if it


Well-Known Member
keep an eye out for pollen sacks, i wouldnt do anything drastic until you see some of those. weird leave growth itself is not a definite sign of hermie. first sign of a pollen sack is when to hit the panic button and get rid if it

Hi Joker, thanks for the reply.
I havent seen any pollen sacks yet, but because it's kind of an old mother, it is really leafy, and there's just so much you can't see. I can only really see the tops that are in the light, and i really don't have time to go combing through it every day.

arrgh!:wall: fuckin i dont know.

thanks for the advice. probably a good idea not to do anything till necessary...
I just can't help worrying.

Do you know about how far into flowering pollen sacks can start appearing?, and if you see them, are they already producing pollen? i've never had a hermie problem before(seen pictures), so i really don't know when to look out for them.



New Member
Hey, I wouldnt worry. Look for sacks closely daily, and know that its not uncommon for 3 to grow, and quite big before the rest fill in. I have a very healthy plant that grows similar.