FLOWERING Northern Lights


Active Member
Aurite, Im growing 2 norhtern lights plands in wardrobe I started them on the flower cycle 3 weeks after germination, can anybody tell mi how long the flowering period will last before a get a result ?? in a wardrobe about meter squared and 2 meters high with 4 compact floresent 100 watt bulbs 1 inch away from plants


Active Member
welcome JockMchigh, i am not sure of the exact strain but generally take anywhere from 8-12 weeks. wait till the hairs turn 70-80% brown or buy a 100x magnifier to check the trichomes for colour change. research in the grow faq area. there is heaps of info for someone just joined this site.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
you'l need to veg for longer than 3 weeks man, cause once you start 12/12 they'l stop growing cause there indicas, veg until there 3, 1/2 feet then go 12/12 for flowering


Active Member
av had them on the 12/12 cycle for aroond 2 weeks now and theyv nearly doubled in hight is this normal ?


Well-Known Member
yes thats normal, indica still grows in flowering but not as much as sativa. Indica when in flowering will grow another 1 ft max but most likely it will be least then 1 ft.


Well-Known Member
in less you want ppl knocking at your door id lose that pic

Not a very bright thing to do even if it is a mate



Active Member
cheers for the info lads, as for the pic a come from scotland mate a alcahol and smoke is oor national supper nobody cares!!!


New Member
am a beginner mate a dnt know any of this sitiva jargon could you please explain ?
there are 3 types of marijuana
ruderalasis, sativia's and indica's
ruderals- is used to grow hemp and breed for other properties because it has little to no thc in it (not good to grow for our reasons).
sativas -give that uppy cerebreal high. usually makes people more active. fan leaves are usually long and slender, and they usually take a while to grow.
indicas- give that stoney fuck u up so u cant move high. they grow quicker than sativas with larger fan leaves


New Member
id stay with the Nl mate. that strain is a good one for a beginner to start with. its very forgiving of mistakes and is one of the easiest I have grown. If you do change i wouldnet suggest trying any of th kush variety. they gave me all kindsa hell starting out....picky bastards......


New Member
if you got it from a seedbank then go to their website and look up the credentials of the strain you have. if you dont know the origin then just look @ several seedbanks pages for tips on growing northern lights.....

the widowman

Well-Known Member
like to say welcome aboard JOCK heres some easy grows, super skunk , sensi skunk , skunk kush most of the skunk varietys are easy, northern lights is a skunk, but not as easy as the ones i just told you about


Active Member
cheers for the info, another question in my wardrobe im using as a grow room ive been using tin foil on the walls but i heard somewhere white paint is better do u agree ?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
cheers for the info, another question in my wardrobe im using as a grow room ive been using tin foil on the walls but i heard somewhere white paint is better do u agree ?
if you can manage to paint it white gloss that would be better than tin foil but tin foil is better than nothing and as long as your light is not bigger than 250w or you'll get hot spots :joint::mrgreen:


New Member
if you can manage to paint it white gloss that would be better than tin foil but tin foil is better than nothing and as long as your light is not bigger than 250w or you'll get hot spots :joint::mrgreen:
nah man he's using cfl's. wont have to worry about hot spots there.
aluminum foil isnt as efficient at reflecting light when it becomes crinkly and not straight like it comes outa the box, so whenever you get the chance id paint the box with some gloss spray paint. for like a dollar a can @ any dollar store thats a lot easier than having to re-hang tin foil a million times.....


Active Member
another thing for future ref, id done ma recent crop on 24 hour light at first instead of just 18 does this hav any long term effect on da plant ??