Flowering outdoors - Middle of winter


Active Member
I have been vegetating 6 plants indoors for around 3 months and i have decided to flower them outdoors cause of space issue inside and cause of my autos who need to keep having 18/6 light.

One of them was put outside before and is already 1 month into flowering. The rest have just been put outside a few days ago and i reckon that in a few days, i will start to see some changes and budding.

Now, my issue is that in around 6-7 weeks, winter will be going and the light schedule is gonna go higher in the 'middle of flowering'.

I have no or very little experience outdoors and basically my question is, what happens if the plants start getting more light than 12 hours in the middle of flowering? Will they continue and finish and re-enter veg state?



Active Member
You should be ok as long as the daylight hours stay below 14.
Thanks for quick reply...i just checked the hours of day light in the coming months and it seems we do not go higher than 13 hours and 20 minutes at the top of summer in December.

You giving me a lot of hope that i can actually grow outdoors and have flowering at different times in the year??


Active Member
what socaljoe said. it may slow them down a bit but they should b ok. Id b on the look out for herm action just in case it causes some stress. other than that id go for it.
i will definitely thanks.

But to the other question - If the maximum amount of day light does not exceed 13 hours and 20 mins, even at the top of summer, then can i flower 'technically' all year round??

Because if it is yes, then id abandon autoflowers and grow only photos outdoors!


Well-Known Member
yeah if its under 14hrs then from everything i know it should b an all yr thing for flowering. This is good or bad depending on how u look at it. Your plants will start to flower within roughly 4-5 weeks from seed no matter what. As long as you can continue the same number of plants you should be ok.


Active Member
yeah if its under 14hrs then from everything i know it should b an all yr thing for flowering. This is good or bad depending on how u look at it. Your plants will start to flower within roughly 4-5 weeks from seed no matter what. As long as you can continue the same number of plants you should be ok.
Awesome stuff, thanks - I am stopping them autos as from now. But what i still can do, is keep my indoor grow room for Veg only and veg every lady for 2- 3 months, train them and everything... then put them outside.

My coming months already sound very exciting!