Flowering problem please take a look!!!


ok so ive been growing for just about 2 years and i have never had a problem besides my genetics were a little airy so i never got the most dense buds but everything always looked great smelled great and smoked great. recently i started a small 8 plant grow with my roomate the first batch was fine but sum of the 2nd batch about 2 weeks before flowering started to almost burn itself. like it wasnt burnt from heat but most of the leaves and some of the actual calyx would turn like a yellow orangish color(looking kind of burnt) anyways my room is at 75 degrees F and the humidity is around 20-25rh. my buddy thinks the humidity is too low and the air cooled lights are causing the buds to get almost wind chapped. this is the first time ive used the nutes we are giving them but my buddy had to go organic so we feed them every two watering ie feed, water, wate, feed.hes responsible for the watering so my whole thought is that the problem lies in the nutes im thinking he is skipping days and in turn the plants arent getting enough nutrients to flower normally. if anyone could please chime in id appreciate it greatly. Im two weeks into flowering on my next batch and would absolutely hate to see this again
Sounds like nute burn. Lower the amount of nutes you are using on feeding days to half strength. see how that works and increase the dose as needed


Well-Known Member
its most likely a humidity problem, thats way way to low. also how strong are your nutes? When flowering, keep in mind, less is more. I always go 3/4 strength on my nutes becuase it always seems the label is stronger then need be. if you absolutely feel you cant live unless you give them full strength then work them up to it slowly, and flush flush flush! When i was growing in soil, this was my schedual. Flush, Feed, Flush, Feed, ya see? And i dont mean everyday. just when its dry


generally organic ferts lack the salts to burn, your problem is most likely low rh and fans causing the leaves to perspire too fast.


bump...any more ideas? im almost positive its not a toxcicity ive been using these genetics for a couple years now and im actually giving them less food which i think is the problem? if the plants are supposed to be on a feed water water feed schedule but they end up only getting fed once a week could this cause the plants to basically burn themselves out. like a growing child not getting his or her nutrients they wont grow up as big and healthy?


also wat are you guys flowering conditions like as far as trhe relatice humidity? mine stays at about 25% but it has alway been this low and i never had this problem. by the way ive done bigger grows with no problem


Active Member
its not a lack of nutes dude. wake up!!!! your humidity is to low but shouldnt cause the buds to go that bad. when in doubt fulsh the plant and feed when u see yellowing of leaves. soil growing u shouldnt have a feeding sched. feed when need.


ive been awake buddy. ive also done quite a bit of searching and see that people like to keep their rooms below 40 and ive seen a few people who have grown in 25% humidity and have done great including myself. Also if your feeding your plants off of reaction your going to be watering your plants every day for about a week or so until one day you wake up and notice there is a deficiency and all of your leaves are yellow. then wat are you going to go off of? im looking for responces from people that have seen or dealt with something similar not someone who just read a book ill have to post some pics


Well-Known Member
its not a lack of nutes dude. wake up!!!! your humidity is to low but shouldnt cause the buds to go that bad. when in doubt fulsh the plant and feed when u see yellowing of leaves. soil growing u shouldnt have a feeding sched. feed when need.
25% humidity is too Low? I wish I could maintain 25% during flower. I like 70% during veg. Am I missing something here or have I been looking at this the wrong way?

So Crondon, what is the verdict. All you did was insult someone and leave. Sounds like a troll to me.

That's what I dislike about this site. I moved over to THC Farmer.com. Farmers are way more experienced and the site is moderated great. Guys like Crondon ain't around for long.

Good Luck Jag!