Flowering Problems (1st Grow)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, i tried taking up less space in the Read This thread but i was hoping to get more help here. First grow, was growing two plants, one was male, threw him out, sprouted three more beans instead now I'm doing a perpetual grow, everything stays at 12/12

Anyway second plant is a hermie, managed to remove all pollen sacks and it doesn't look like its trying to make anymore, but then about a week or two ago she took a turn, i have fed this plant once during veg with a 11-10-10 and she didn't like it so i just watered, two waterings ago i tried giving her a 10-50-10, which she didn't seem to mind or appreciate, so below are some pics, she just looks sad all the time, burn on the end of lower leaves turned the leaves almost blue/black and crispy, knuckled over and never pointing up, so i had to remove a bunch of dead lower leaves... Buds are looking so skinny at 4 weeks of flower... any ideas? Checked my soil ph and its in range still, have not checked roots yet.

Sitting under 6 CFL 23w with two more on the sides, in soil mixed with worm hummus and lava rock. lights are on 12/12, bagseed like 14 inches tall, my small plants seem to enjoy the environment a lot more.

Thanks a bunch guys

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ok thanks for the reply, she gets fed only water every 5 days, i definitely always wait until she is dry... i guess not... and she has had one feeding of 10-50-10 at 1/3 recommended since flower... must be f*&king this up somewhere still
ok thanks for the reply, she gets fed only water every 5 days, i definitely always wait until she is dry... i guess not... and she has had one feeding of 10-50-10 at 1/3 recommended since flower... must be f*&king this up somewhere still
would also be related to the low light

the clawing leaves are a sign of to much N and too much heat

the droopin leaves are a sign of over watered
i will try and get that sorted, i can see there being too much heat, i live in 95 degree so its hard to keep things cool... i am going to add a couple more cfl's i guess, they are within two inches of the tops.

Im not going to water until I'm sure they are super dry and see if that solves things.

In terms of nitrogen abundance... do I flush the plant? or just keep watering with just water?
i will try and get that sorted, i can see there being too much heat, i live in 95 degree so its hard to keep things cool... i am going to add a couple more cfl's i guess, they are within two inches of the tops.

Im not going to water until I'm sure they are super dry and see if that solves things.

In terms of nitrogen abundance... do I flush the plant? or just keep watering with just water?
The 95 degrees is the biggest problem
I'd kneck it and start again it's not even worth the hassle or the time watering it.

i feel you on that, and i have the other three smaller guys coming up, but its my first grow, I'm going to see this bitch through till she either dies or gives me something to smoke on
could anyone give me a solution to try here that doesn't involve getting rid of the plant?

She is reacting better to the fan, but i want to know if there is a way of helping the buds swell up, she is still producing new leaves even though she has been on 12/12 for more than four weeks, should i flush, anyway of getting rid of some N and helping it get some mass back? Or just lost cause?