flowering problems


Active Member
Hi chaps,

My 3 AF plants have had their top-most flower go hard and crunchy on 2 of my plants.

My light is a 400w HPS with grolux, it is about 2 and half feet from the plants.

I have 2 fans on all the time, my temps are in the acceptable area.
My plants are in a 'closet['

What is happening?

My flowers become rock hard and won't grow any more.

Iam using Biobizz organic nutes at the lowest dose, and my water/nute mixture is 6/6.5 pH when I give it to my plants. And I use aquarium stuff to remove chlorine from the water before I use it.

Please help, Iam terribly alarmed.


Oh, and whilst Iam at it. What causes leaves to kind of 'fold in half' along their axis?


I posted this in Advanced growing- by mistake.

The problem I'm having is that in the last few years my blooming time has gone from August 1 to July 1. These are outdoor plants in soil. No light manipulations. Its fine by me if they start flowering a month early since that gives the plants 30 more days to grow more buds.

But this year I have a real problem: my plants are in the five leaf stage and going to flower. They get 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness which mimics conditions right now at this latitude. These are indica/sativa hybrids I made decades ago. I backcross with earlier generations to reduce the risk of genetic drift. So why are they flowering so early and under the long-day short-night regimine. Six inch plants don't yield much.

Anyone have an idea? Anyone ever experience this before?