flowering question


Active Member
I've been flowering for a week now and still no signs of sex. Is this normal? I've got 4 100 watt equiv. cfls in a small stealth box- 2' x 18" x 18" Any ideas of when to expect to see sex?


Active Member
usually you need to se the 'pre-flowers' before you even call it the flowering cycle the 12/12 is just the photoperiod or in other words the hours your setting the lights too...... if you didnt see the pre-flowers first they aren't mature enough to go right into male or female...
If you did see pre-flowers it could take as long as 2 weeks before you see anything significant good luck


Active Member
alright im confused i thought that if you started from seeds, it was best to veg for about a month at least, then change the light cycle to 12/12 (which is what i did a week ago) and usually they showed sex within a couple days. I knew about the preflowing but i thought you had to use a magnifying glass to do that. Oh, i vegged for about a 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i think you are going to have wait a couple more weeks til they show... i think its just to early for them to show.


Well-Known Member
You can go 12/12 right from seed. All you are doing by going 12/12 is inducing flowering when the plant is ready. At 1 month veg you should have no problem flowering. It will take a few weeks to show, give it time. I am in veg for 15 days total then going to flower because I like you have limited vertical room. Just give it time, they will show what they are in time.


Active Member
thank you very much, thats what i hoped. one more question, can do any topping right now? or is that strictly for vegging? I don't want to harm any future bud production even if they havent shown sex yet.


Well-Known Member
thank you very much, thats what i hoped. one more question, can do any topping right now? or is that strictly for vegging? I don't want to harm any future bud production even if they havent shown sex yet.
No topping or trimming during the flowering stage. Ya can trim a little but not much.

I never top and think its over rated.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree...no topping now. You may be able to LST and increase yield with plants that age.


Well-Known Member
Don't top a plant that's flowering. For that matter, I wouldn't top an indoor plant ever. You can always bend branches if you are vertically challenged. Topping is for outdoor growers that veg for months and the plant is getting too big (6 ft range).