Flowering Seedlings


I had started a thread but for some reason I can't access it anymore.

I got 2 seedlings that are flowering outside. They didn't really grow much after they sprouted. This the 3rd week. Give or take. What do you guys think?




Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool. they probably didnt grow much more due to pot size, and if its outside then maybe due to face that its late in the season.


Active Member
thats pretty cool. they probably didnt grow much more due to pot size, and if its outside then maybe due to face that its late in the season.
I have a plant (that I thought was a total loss) 5th week into flower in a tiny pot like he has. It's 3 ft tall and looks to have an ounce on it so far. Without knowing details, I would say it's more of a "time of season" thing than a pot size.
i agree about not being the pot size. I do 3 transplant little cup then 1 gal then 2 gal. my 1 gal can support a 3ft tall plant water 2 times a day


Well-Known Member
you can finish her in the containers you have them in,but u may have more than a month to go, dont be surprised if you have to wait longer than expected.


Nice! They get prettier and prettier by the day. It's a trip how you watch them grow, and progress through their life cycle.


1203110018.jpg1203110021.jpg I just can't seen to stop taking pictures. Honestly, the backyard is now my favorite part of the house. All because of these 2 little Cannabis plants. Nice!


Sometime's I day dream about having a huge ass Cannabis plant. That would be nice! I just wasted a whole entire outdoor growing season. There's always next year.

Next year, I'm going to do it right. That's going to be my new year's resolution. To do it right.



I took a picture of the taller seedling. Its looks alright, but what do I know. I was thinking on buying nutrients, but I'm just going to let them go as they are. The night time temp outside is around 30 degrees, so I bring them inside.

Q - Will the cold temps slow down the growth?

I was hoping they would have more buds by now.


Some random bagseed. A friend gave them to me a while back. I found them lying around my room. It's pretty cool that it looks purple, but that's probably from the cold nights that we been having here in California.


Well-Known Member
I have been told that cold temps could stunt growth and make them turn purple, but it looks like you have a purple pheno. Very nice looking plant. What are you feeding it and warm are you keeping it at night?


I have been told that cold temps could stunt growth and make them turn purple, but it looks like you have a purple pheno. Very nice looking plant. What are you feeding it and warm are you keeping it at night?
Thanks for the reply OldLuck. The purple color is on the underside of the leaves. The other plant is just green as can be. All I have been doing is just watering. At night, I place them in the garage. It's still cold in the garage, but not as cold as outside.