Flowering small plants?


Active Member
How much growth would you need minimally to obtain a decent harvest, in anyone's opinion. Considering in minimal time and size as well for a first time grower? I'm mainly after just the educational aspect rather than just growing a massive trophy plant.



Active Member
I'm setting up a box grow right now and would be interested in the answer to this too. I was thinking like 6" would be OK but I'm not really sure since I've never tried to keep plants small before.


Well-Known Member
not hard at all my last harvest was off a 21 inch tall plant that yielded 47.2 grams dry with 97 watts of light

all about knowing how to dial in your garden, which I explain in the 1st 40 pages of my NooB Advice thread


Well-Known Member
you can flower at any size just remember plants stretch so decide how big you want it to be when done and flower at 1/3 to 1/2 that size depending on strain. also you can grow it to 3/4 the size you want and use bushmaster to slow the stretch


Active Member
How much of a difference would it make with the same 6500k light Vs. If I added in a 2700k for 12/12? Or even just a 2700k instead of the 6500k?


Active Member
If you take a clone and drop it straight into 12/12 flowering, it'll usually get to be at least 3' tall by the end, and maybe more depending on the strain and how much light you use.


Well-Known Member
i debated it long and hard before i decided to flower. my deciding factor was nodes. got em all to around 6 nodes or so, then went into flower. worked out it was about 25 days in, which was fine for me cuz i just wanted it to be no more than a 3 month cycle.


Well-Known Member
I'm really thinking about doing the same with a Nirvana Full Moon, its flowering time is around 9 weeks, so if I induce flowering in one of the clones after just shy of a month I can make a 3 month cycle of it....which for a sativa will be wonderful, just one month longer than the auto's :) Actually, if that works out, I may stop growing the autos after the first harvest, really I'm just wanting sativa, and all auto's seem to either be rudelis/Indica, or they'll have sativa, but still be indica dominant.


Active Member
Yeah, this is beyond 6 nodes I'm sure.. starting to loose track. Hehe. This strain is Northern Lights x Purple Haze.. I'll see what she does.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of vegging my bagseed grow for about a week then make my way to a 12/12 within a week increments of changing the light cycle.
How much growth would you need minimally to obtain a decent harvest, in anyone's opinion. Considering in minimal time and size as well for a first time grower? I'm mainly after just the educational aspect rather than just growing a massive trophy plant.
We depending on your max grow hight the pants look pretty good how are they inch wise i would start flowing at about 11-13 inches becouse ur plant is ganna double maybe even triple in the flowering process and depending on strain u could yeid any waere from 28g-1/2 pound

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