flowering stage best tips


Hello my plant is 3 month old 4 feet high.now on flowering.
So whats best way to get to budding quickly ? And whats best nutirition on this stage.



Well-Known Member
You can't get plants to flower "quickly". All strains have their own flowering process and timing. Anyone who tells you that lights or otherwise will speed up flowering is either inexperienced or completely lying.

As far as nutes go, you want something higher in P and K and typically less in N.

I've been trying Iguana Juice organic from Advanced Nutrients, but it doesn't sit well with my automatic drippers, so I'm going back to my local hydro shop's 3-part nute solution. One bottle for veg, one for bloom, and one you use as a mix in both.


ps. Welcome here to RIU :) We'd love to see some pics of your grow.
Your not foing to be able to get buds quicker than the plant can produce them. it sounds as though u just started flower do you know if they are male female? You can't really speed it up in the sexing stage other than optimal conditions.