Flowering Stage Lighting question ?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys this is more just a question not so much a problem .

My plant is 2 weeks into its flowering stage, it's got plenty of flowers on it which is great, but they aren't turning into buds it is just sprouting more flowers ? The small flowers have started to produce trichomes already so does this mean they aren't going to get any bigger ? I'm afraid they are going to peak and eventually turn amber without gaining any size or decent buds.

The only thing I can think of that might have effect them is I changed from a MH 250W to a 600W HPS as soon as I started to see the flowers as I believe you need the 2000K or 500-600NM colour spectrum for the flowering stage.

I've attached a spectrum chart of the 600W bulb as well as a link to its information ( Actually it wont let me attach links yet until I have more posts and likes so I'll update it when I'm aloud

600W bulb

This is the original 240W MH lamp
A 250W Sonlight Metal Halide HPS Lamp is a single-spectrum metal halide lamp with 19,000 lumens output. The lamp only produces light in the blue part of the spectrum for fast vegetative growth

Extra info
the Plant is An autoflowering Feminised Seed

2) Indoors
3) once every 2-3 days depending on soil wetness
4) Seedling raising soil with 10 % Perlite in 15ltr tubs
5) 8-9 Weeks 2 weeks into flowering

If there is any more information I need to supply just let me know, any help would be appreciated as this is my 4th attempt at trying to get a plant to from 3 previous fails :(


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Looks like normal size flowers for only being 2 weeks in. Be patient; the buds don't really get close to final size until after week 6. Because these are autos there's not a lot you can do now to make bigger buds. For next time run reg or fem seed and veg/train them out longer if you are not happy with the size these plants are.
Spectrum has very little to do with yield; that appears to be a normal hps spectrum. I run a MH all through veg & flowering cycle myself; the spectrum is not as important as wattage. Wattage has much more sway over yield or actual bud size than bulb color does. I mean yes you want a horticulture grade bulb and the spectrum to be in the proper range to absorb nutrients through photosynthesis but soectrum charts are not really helpful except maybe for comparing to other bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Cheers man,
Yes I screwed up big time with the seeds, I didn't even know what Autoflowering seeds where when I ordered them and for the first 2 trial grows I gave the plants a nightmare with too high temps during some really hot weeks , over watered them, feed them way to many nutrients, fail at rockwool setup so none of them never made it passed 4-5 weeks :( . Now I'm using Soil and its so much easier but still stunted these guys growth and couldn't figure out why plants were flowering while I was still on the 18- 6hr light schedule.

Safe to say I felt like a moron when I actually took the time to find out what autoflowering seeds were haha.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Autos grow best at 20/4; that's why these are so puny. The good news is you switched to soil which makes everything much easier. Nutrients complicate things IMO. Recycled organic soil makes for some very tasty bud with minimal efforts; learn about organics and in time you can throw your nutes in the garbage where they belong and get yourself a taste of what's real. Check out my thread if you want to know more:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm still learning each day, I also started them off in cups rather than putting them straight into the large pots so slowed them down that way too. I've just ordered 2m2 of top soil and going to get an old water tank and start making some soil for next time around as my neighbour has horses and grows worms