Flowering Stage - Pics and Question

If I have done this right, I have uploaded two pics of my one plant (Hindu Kush). It's in the flowering stage, but I have two questions regarding the plant:

1) How do the flowers look thus far? Am I headed in the right direction?
2) Based on what you see, how much longer will it be before harvest? I'm guessing 5 weeks...?

The photos aren't that great. I don't have a camera, except for the one on my iPhone. I hope you can see it ok.




Active Member
it is blurry but frome what i see you got a long time yet depending on strain how long have you been flowering for i say you got 6-10 weeks left.
This is my first time so I didn't know what to expect. I think it's been in the flowering stage for maybe two weeks. So 6 more weeks sounds about right?


Well-Known Member
dude your real far from harvest ull be surpresed when u see the buds swell up the hair growth stops and the thats when the magic basically happends but your real far from it maybe 6-8 weeks as said before just be patient ull love it when u get their