flowering stage questions

Right now I have two 2ft t5 6500k lights above my plants..its time to change to the flowering stage and I'm wondering if I need to change the lights or just the time ratio


Well-Known Member
you need to change the bulbs and the light cycle. The bulbs for flowering should be 2700K(more orangish in color). I would get a stronger light though like a 400W HPS or add some 2700K cfl's into the mix for side lighting or you'll end up with some puny buds. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
bulbs should be more towards the red spectrum and the light schedule needs to be switched to 12/12


Active Member
Your grow looks great. Keep up the good work! My first grow was under a T5 just like yours. I've had two other grows since under 400w. The first was the easiest! I've been seriously thinking of going straight T5 on my next grow.