Flowering time.


Active Member
Hello. My plant began flowering 2 weeks ago. I haven't noticed much change w/ the buds since then. The they are still rather small. I've been doing 12/12 hours w/ 400w HPS since it started.

This is the 1st time for me to get to this point but I dunno what to expect. Do the buds generally take some time before they begin to get large? I don't want my plant to grow dinky buds so any information will help. Thanks.

One Love


Well-Known Member
How long have your plants been flowering for? The flowering cycle is a long slow process, so if your checking up on them every day your really not gonna see too much progress. I'm on my first grow right now and about 4-6 weeks into flowering and my buds are starting to get pretty nice and stinky. Usuaully the budding cycle takes 8-12 weeks so i wouldn't be too worried about your buds not being big unless your into week 5 or so and there are still dinky. Seems to me that they growe faster as they get bigger, but that just might be my mind playing tricks on me.


Active Member
Yeah Thanks Jakethetank for the reply. Yeah to answer your question they have been budding for about 2 weeks maybe a bit longer.


Well-Known Member
two weeks is nothing in the development you'll see. patience. check out grow journals like mine below to see how the plants change over time. that will give you something to compare to as your plant grows.