Flowering time


Active Member
How long should I keep my plants flowering before harvesting?
They've been flowering for 28 days now.



Active Member
I'll wait np. I'm in no hurry.

Here's another picture, it's a little blurry tho.


Can anyone guess the strain?


Active Member
From what I've read the is no definite period of time until harvest. Every strain is different. Between 6-12 weeks after flowering you should be ready for harvest. While there are estimates its best to look for visual clues. When the white hairs start turning red, orange, or brown you know its about time to harvest. Once most of the hairs turn color its time. (but some people harvest early to obtain a different type of high).

Now I have been very interested in why people say "this weed gives you a couchlock high" or "this weed gives you an energetic high." I'm a first time grower and I'm very interested in my weed giving me an entergetic high. After research I've found that the types of highs you get from your weed is directly related to harvest time. The levels of THC and CBD are affected by when you harvest.

Weed with high levels of THC and low levels of CBD will give you a more clear energetic high. Higher levels of CBD will give you more of a body high (I guess couchlock). I've read that weed with high levels of CBD can even give you a high that makes you stupid (I'd rather be clear headed).

If you harvest early the THC will be higher. If you wait longer to harvest the THC will start breaking down into CBD. So you should decide on a harvest time taking into account what type of high you want your weed to give.

In summary I'd say harvest when the hairs are clear or milky white (or right when you see the first white hair turning color), to obtain a more cerebral high or energetic high. Or you can wait until the hairs start turning red or orange (darker) to get more of the couchlock effect or body high.


Well-Known Member
hang it for 5-7 days u can put em in a bown paper bag for a day and or jus put it in mason jars burp the jar until ur desired crispness then leave the lid on and let it cure. should take 2-4 weeks


Active Member
What do you mean by, "burp the jar" ?
And I should keep it in a jar for 2-4 weeks before smoking it?

This is my first grow, so I don't really know what to do with it, yet, when it's ready...
Burping the jar is simply taking off the lid to whatever jar you're using to prevent built up humidity in the jar which can lead to mold. Even if you cure in a dark cool closet space you can still get mold if you don't burp the jars. In my opinion don't dry for a set number of days. Simply hang it in a dark area with good ventilation and wait until the stems can snap. Then put the bud with stem into a jar and cure for however long you want. If you don't cure, in my experience, the bud starts to have a green almost hay type smell to it and deff isn't as smooth of a smoke. Best thing to do is experiment with the drying and curing. Most people who tell you do this a certain amount of days or do that a certain amount of days have a relative knowledge of the strains they grow and the have a very well rounded setup and process, OR they've never grown and just type what they read from a seasoned grower lol


Active Member
Thanks for the info.

Once in the jar, can I leave it anywhere? Or does it need to be in a dark place cool place? (Is it ok if it goes to like 60 in the room it's stored in?)
ya 60 is fine and is has to be dark. I don't personally know, but if its kept in the dark it raises the thc supposedly (im no scientist or botanist lol). Bud is like fine wine. You have to store wine and longer it's stored better it's taste. The point of the jar is to raise the moisture from the stems to the bud. If you've ever had like really super crumbly weed its because it wasn't cured properly or wrong, or could just be old lol Make sure its in a room that can get full of stank cuz it will develop quite a smell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all that info a23.

Looks like there's some orange hair showing up today.
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those plants are no where near done. judging from the pictures i would say atleast 3-4 weeks. prematurely harvested bud is a crime against humanity, get yourself a jewellers lupe or microscope and check the trichomes. curing your weed is definately the way forward, taste and smoke improve by a mile after a couple of weeks in jars. good luck with your ladies