Flowering transition time?


Well-Known Member
I just read somewhere that when counting "days of flowering"
You don't start right when u switch to 12/12 rather wait two weeks then start the count. Which is true? Thanks
It seems like if I count days from flip a7 to 8 WK plant takes 9 to 11 wks.

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Well-Known Member
I veg for 4 weeks from seed then switch to 12/12 for another 9 weeks. And I start counting the day I switch to 12/12,. Perfect smoke t every time. Try and filter. out the bullshit you hear about growing; you'll be better off.


Well-Known Member
I start counting the weeks once i do the switch to 12/12 or maybe wait a day or so for the plants to get up to spend that its flower time now.. plant will never finish on the exact date you put on your calendar.


Well-Known Member
Yep , only reason to keep up with start date is to have general idea when theyll be done.
Once you get to the end that goes out the window and it goes to the triches to determine ripeness.


Well-Known Member
your plants will not actually start having flowers for at least a week, generally people dont refer to their garden as flowering until there are flowers, not when u switch the schedule.

MOST cannabis takes 7-10 weeks to flower, this is calculated from when the plant actually has flowers. As many have said already the time a lady takes to start flowering varies.


Well-Known Member
Most strains are pretty consistent in the same environment. If your AK47 took 9 weeks (from when u first see flowers) it will generally take about the same every time if u dont change anything. This is not true of the TIME it takes for them to begin flowering, as hydrogreen has said there are many other factorss (size of plant, training, lighting, ect) that will make a plant begin flowering faster or slower, so measuring from when u go 12/12 is really not very effective.