Flowering /true/false


Active Member
So is it true that plants vegitate for 2 more weeks after you put them in flowering......and also is it possiable to put clones dirictly into flowering?:hump:


Well-Known Member
When you change your light to 12/12, your plant will, continue to grow, it takes about 2 weeks before, you see any buds. And yes you may flower a clone, though I would recommend it be at 7-8 inches tall. If you just wait a week longer in vegetative state you will reap the bene's at harvest



Well-Known Member
If you mean do they grow then yes. What is it you are expecting? The day you switch the light cycle you see buds all over the place? Depends on what you mean. You probably won't want to try and flower them the day you take the cuttings. You'll probably want to grow some roots first. This can take from two to three weeks.


Active Member
well i was wondering this cuz im veging clones right now and it will have been veging for about 2 weeks now and it was just a rummor i heard that i wanted to confirm if i switched my cycle to 12/12 now would they still be veging for 2 more weeks giving me a month long veg basicly ........or if i vegitate for a week then flower it would that equal 3 weeks of veging .........just a rumor i heard that" plants dont stop veging for 2 weeks after they have been put into 12/12".....
as for the clones yhe im gonna be taking cuts and sticking them in a humidty dome under 24hr cfls for about a week .......im sure it would be great to veg them but i dont have 2 sepreat rooms for veging and flowering so that brings me back to the question if i could stick clones straight into flowering (im sure it would be ideal to veg the clones more but im un able to at the time being)


Active Member
yhea i let them get rooted for a week b4 i throw them under heavy lighting....
can i use any kinda of fluorecent light to veg a momma??


Well-Known Member
If the clones are over the shock of being cloned and are now in an official veg state, than flowering now will produce a two week period of imho rapid growth.