Flowering with cfls?

trains strain

Well-Known Member
hey everyone
im helping a friend continue on his grow and we were both wondering if 2 42W CFLS could be used through the flowering stage aswell. theyre daylight lights and so far have done wonderful things to these girlies, just wondering if we should switch it up for flowering? we're going for stealth so hps or mh or kinda outta the question


Well-Known Member
Depends on how many plants you have. I'd say 4x42 watters per plant = Great Flower power.

trains strain

Well-Known Member
well we have 2 plants, one we're going to have to flower sooner than the other cause of stunted growth but our main plant is looking marvelous. the only thing is, we're in about 3 weeks of veg, we cant do much longer cause we're losing our location soon, how much longer should be wait before maturity is best?


Well-Known Member
ok well 2 42w cfls is not enough to flower you need a lot more at least 250w total ive been hearing is ok and even then you might want more and daylight is the colour you want WARM WHITE(2700k) i think it is for flowering and try and get as many as you can and position them as close as you can ( without burning them) and position them all they way around the plant from the top and all sides ( if possible) andn this should be an ok start


Well-Known Member
Only 3 weeks veg. with CFL's? Sorry Bro. I wouldn't Flower them yet or you'll get a shitty yeild. I'd veg them 18/6 for atleast another2-3 more weeks. Then once they show sex or atleast 1 foot, Switch to flower. 12/12. Hope that helps bro!

trains strain

Well-Known Member
yeah i figured theyd need a few more weeks, not to worry though i think i can pull it off letting them veg for another month or so, then im gonna throw in a crap more lights to start the flowering process. as for the cfl sections, ive read and read but from what ive seen a lot of people like to diss the cfls. i know the hps would be ideal but who knows maybe a cfl arrangment might be able to flower nice buds, its our first attempt with bagseed so we're not to pressured to get much, we have no clue the sex or strain but its a fun experinment and definitly will continue this hobby for years on end. thank you all for your quick replies and help. very much appreciated. this site kicks ass for help thats for sure!


Well-Known Member
I was flowering with 4 100 watt equivilants and was doing just fine , sure they stretched a bit but it was working just fine. I recentently added 2x200 watt equivs. havent noticed a great amount of difference