flowering with MG soil


Well-Known Member
IMAG0206.jpgSo... I am using MG Orchid mix soil, and i know it has slow release nutes, and i know i shouldnt have used this crap in the first place, but what can i feed her that wont burn my little one? Wood ash in the water? Molasses in the water? I just wanna do it right, even though i already screwed up by using this crap soil. I want to go 12/12 in about 3 weeks and she is like 4 ish weeks right now. IMAG0207.jpg


Active Member
Well, the longer the veg cycle, more nutes will be used up.. just as long as you have 'head room' cause she could get tall. I would also LST as well or mainline (but might be too late for mainlining). I plan to add half a table spoon of molasses (black strap) towards the end of my flowering and watch for deficiencies and supplement accordingly (day 11 in flowering with MG MC 6 mo.) You can pretty much find a pic of any ailment and match it with your plant and then treat accordingly. Good luck.. I am updating my album as well.

not sure if orchard and MC have same nutes in them though...
I also had to kill a hermi today (1 of my 2 :( ) but it did allow me to get a look at the root mass... the root mass looked really good, though I am not a horticulturist, according to vids/pics I have seen.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the relpies! Im new here so its good to see that people are posting in these threads! But anyway...
Ya, so bat guano huh? Ill have to look into that for sure. Cause i know i wont need to add nitrogen cause that soil's N numbers are like 27 or somthing. I threw the bag away so idk for sure. But i was thinking organic for sure. I just repotted her like a week ago into my final pot, so there are fresh unreleased nutes in there again, so im hoping this she wont burn. And i think the only differance between OM and MC ish that im pretty sure mine has more wood chips in it. Which them makes me think that OM is a little too acidic, but i dont have a Ph tester. Would adding a little base to my water hurt anything?
Let me say this mh soil might not be the best but definately not crap it will get the job done. Tests have been done comparing it to ffof and mg was better for the price.


Well-Known Member
Well i have to say that is doing its job. Im am totally satisfied so far with it. My plant is green and healthy. Im just wondering whats in store for flowering.


Active Member
Thank you for the relpies! Im new here so its good to see that people are posting in these threads! But anyway...
Ya, so bat guano huh? Ill have to look into that for sure. Cause i know i wont need to add nitrogen cause that soil's N numbers are like 27 or somthing. I threw the bag away so idk for sure. But i was thinking organic for sure. I just repotted her like a week ago into my final pot, so there are fresh unreleased nutes in there again, so im hoping this she wont burn. And i think the only differance between OM and MC ish that im pretty sure mine has more wood chips in it. Which them makes me think that OM is a little too acidic, but i dont have a Ph tester. Would adding a little base to my water hurt anything?
if your soil is at a good point and, I think, the base would bring it too low and lock out nutes. I am learning myself... have a Milwaukee PH600 pen on the way.. up to now I have not had a lock out (do not think) but I have had deficiencies through the grow...... as evident by purple in your stems, not to mistake with purple strain cannabis though or too cold. (my album shows some close up of purple in the stems) I could not tell if it is nute lock out or not so I have just been watering when they need it. Can not wait to get the ph tester and see how far MG throws the ph around lol. I am going with roots organic and fox farm trio for my next grow though, would rather follow a feeding regiment and keep a check on ph giving me more control..


Well-Known Member
Ya that was kind of my worry. I dont have the cash for even manual strips right now. :( but my next grow im getting a Ph tester, quality Ph up & down, and im going soilless. So then im wondering if i should just do a perlite coco mix and hand water, or if i want to set up a DWC bubbler. Nutes though, i have no idea what to get, but we have plenty of hydro store here in colorado springs. Its, hopfully, going to be legal by the 1st of the year!!!! Stoked!!! But ill take any tips or pointers from anuone with some experiance.