Flowering with UnderCurrentDWC


Active Member
Well the octuplets weighed in at 4lb-12oz's total.

Hoping for much more even tempered children next time.

!!!New bun in the oven this weekend!!!



Well-Known Member
I have been wanting to run an undercurrent system and have most of what I need to build one already. The only thing that has dissuaded me is the need for a chiller. If I plumb the pump as an external one like you did instead of submersed, would I be able to get away with it without a chiller?


Active Member
I have been wanting to run an undercurrent system and have most of what I need to build one already. The only thing that has dissuaded me is the need for a chiller. If I plumb the pump as an external one like you did instead of submersed, would I be able to get away with it without a chiller?

If you can keep the water below 72*F without a chiller than I would say go for it!



Well-Known Member
If you can keep the water below 72*F without a chiller than I would say go for it!

I guess I'm wondering if you or anyone else has done so. I figure a significant amount of heat can be kept out of the water by using an external pump. I just didn't want to go through an entire build and figure out after the fact that I need to now buy a chiller.


Well-Known Member
Well put it this way if your air temp gets over 80 so will your res without cooling, and if that happens you are not that far from Fail, so if you don't chill than use H2O2 it will be your best friend. There are no doubts about the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide properly in a hydroponics system. This becomes especially true if your nutrient reservoir is kept above 72 degrees. Warm water holds less dissolved oxygen, and therefore encourages the growth of more viruses, fungi, and anaerobic bacteria. Using hydrogen peroxide adds oxygen to you water and cleans the water of pathogens. Benefits include healthier root systems, increased nutrient uptake, thicker stems, and bigger leaves.

You can use frozen pop bottles.


Active Member

61*F h2o

So I only have plants 5 flowering this time 3 sour-D and 2 jack frost.
They're under 3000w Hps & 425w Mh
The system runs on 60 gallons of nutes uses 170 lpm of air, recirculates 950gph and cools with a 1/4 hp h2o chiller.




Well-Known Member
very nice set up, a place for everything and everything in it's place. I bet your garage is nice and organised. Well done as always.


Harvest already done under t5? If so i want to see pics but if i remember right they have some more weeks to go or?


Active Member
So the big seedy herms where turned into 265g of concentrate last night.
I would recommend everyone try this method of hash making at least once.
