

Active Member
Hey everyone. I have 7 plants in a closet. 3 are Northern Lights and the other 4 are caramelisious. I have a 430 hps light. Right now they're about 6 inches. When is the ideal time to go into the flowering stage. Is it true usually 50% of the plants are males? This may be hard to guestimate but what kind of yielf would you get from a plant in these kind of conditions.
If they were about 10 inches and I started to flower them, I may have to move, would you lose yield and potency? I have pictures but they're too large to post. How can I re format them.


Well-Known Member
The ideal time is to wait 8-10 weeks until they naturally grow pre-flowers, but almost nobody does that indoors. If you wanna keep them fairly small for a closet grow, then I'd say when they're 10" tall is a good point, assuming they're not really stretched out or anything weird. And yes, roughly 50% of the plants will be males.

If you have to move them, just do it carefully and it shouldn't make much of a difference. Maybe it will stunt their growth for a day or two, but nothing major.

I won't even make an attempt on your yield. Show pictures once they're 3 weeks into flowering, and some experienced growers will gladly estimate for you. Until then, stop thinking about it. If you wanna be happy, then convince yourself that you're gonna get an eighth per plant; then you'll be ecstatic when it's more than that! Unfortunately, most people do the opposite (expect like 5 oz per plant) and then are disappointed when it's only 1 oz per plant (which isn't bad). Since you're keeping them small, you can expect real potent stuff (if all else goes well), but not great yield.


Well-Known Member
If you want to let your plants go till they reach proper maturity by producing preflowers...then just top them when they get about 7 nodes, then you'll get short fat plants with more cola's.


Well-Known Member
unless you have a humongous closet your definitely wanna keep it pretty small. And Im pretty sure it is usually 50/50 as far as male/female, just like people. I dont get what you mean by "If they were about 10 inches and I started to flower them, I may have to move, would you lose yield and potency?"