

Well-Known Member
This ones for everyone, just wanted to know if you start counting days in flowering the second you switch the lights or the first signs of flowering on the plant?


meh I don't count shit. not even for veg I go by the looks of the plants to determine the switch to 12-12 and when to harvest.


Active Member
I always add 2 weeks to my "actual" flower time for pre flower. One excellent way to combat this though is 48 hours of darkness before switching to 12/12. No bullshit it knocks 1.5 weeks of flower time off most strains.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i've just been using 12/12 switch as day 1, and i've heard of leaving lights off for 2 days before flowering i just dont really like the idea of that haha


Some people leave a week or two out for 'pre flowers' so they can determine the sex, however, whether its male or female I personally go by the start of flowering as soon as I switch to 12/12